Friday, September 28, 2007

We Want to Have our Cake and Eat it, Too

The best way to do that is to be honest with the cake and those others who wanted to eat our cake before we decided to have it.

Andy, I like what your lens captured.

Truly the quote applies to business, personal and social... online, offline, voice, video, scent, touch, data, life. I'll be thinking about it today.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

DIDX Puts you in Control of Accepted QoS

DIDXchange listened to you when you asked for the ability to search for DID to buy for your wholesale internet protocol based communications company with advanced criteria, especially vendor rating. Check out the demonstration here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Notice me! Or is it for Real Conversation?

When we use something like Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin,, Technorati, or our blog to speak, are we just speaking to be heard and seen or do we really want a conversation?

Where do you see yourself in this matter?

What Do you Prefer? The Net or Face to Face?

Up again at 5 AM-ish today, I strolled the park with my greyhound in the dark. The title of an item on ... "Would you rather get news, information and companionship from the Internet, or from friends face to face?" and the air that time of the morning are exactly what I needed to start the day.

During hurricane Ivan and for about 3 weeks, we did not have electricity, gas, water, and telephone (not cell, voip, nor PSTN) in our home nor my company's headquarters. Everything my company provides (DIDX aka DIDXchange, consumer and SMB call forward management, and event promotion) is hosted, and we exist in our offices across 4-5 countries depending upon where any of us are working at one time. So, the customers were still being served while I was forced into a sabbatical.

What did we get out of the disaster? My neighbors and I sat together late into the night, talking on our front porches in our middle class neighborhood where such a thing would have seemed uncouth before Ivan. We shared our thawed (never to be frozen again) meat, wine, batteries and music. We walked 6 miles just to visit one of our friends we were worried about.

What was I really missing? Information. I won't lie. I would be talking with friends and family. Someone would pose a question. We heard guesses and declared facts, but I wanted to know more. More, more. "I go look it up on the Internet," was something I said so many times and realized, I can't. Would I rather get news, information and companionship from the Internet, or from friends face to face?

I like both equally. Read The Machine Stops by E. M. Forster.

Hey, I was using Safari browser on my husband's Mac this morning, and I notice something for the first time. I couldn't do my blog post in HTML with it. It felt weird. (Fixed as soon as I got on my Dell.)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Traditional Telcos & Web 2.0s Battle? DIDx Can Help

Want to mix with traditional and web 2.0 type telephony companies? Go to Comptel and view the industry from both sides.

DIDXchange's CEO Suzanne Bowen is taking appointments for business development, both to assist traditional telcos to compete in a web 2.0 world and newer IP communications companies to add new markets and revenue via global DID exchange where currently both types of companies are buying and/or selling millions of DID...

COMPTEL PLUS is October 7-10, 2007, just a few days away. Register now at

Dallas, Texas is the location...

Tuesday, Oct. 9 panel discussion on the new convergence of broadband networks and entertainment content. Inncludes Richard Whitt, Google's Washington Telecom and Media Counsel; Melissa Newman, Qwest's Vice President of Regulatory Affairs; and Jonathan Askin, Adjunct Professor at Brooklyn Law School and Principal of Askin Consulting.

Jason Oxman, Vice President of Communications for the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), will lead a discussion on how the traditional distinction between broadband/network providers and content providers is being eliminated in favor of the convergence of network and content. Panelists will also discuss how traditional networks face the challenge of adding value in a way to keep their customers from using other platforms.

The COMPTEL PLUS Fall '07 Show will be held Oct. 7-10 at the Gaylord Texan. For more information, click here

Grande, NTS to Host Opening Reception at Fall Show, Oct 7, Sunday, 7:30 - 9:30 PM at the "Club 007" - at the COMPTEL PLUS Fall 2007 Convention & EXPO. Come experience an amazing nightclub atmosphere, featuring a sophisticated and exciting James Bond-themed event at the Glass Cactus located on the property of the Gaylord Texan.

Call 1 850 433 8555, 1 850 375 9276, email or message us on Gizmo Project, MSN or Skype when you can meet with Suzanne Bowen, our CEO at Super Technologies, Inc. and DIDxchange. She'll be at Comptel Oct 7 mid-day through Oct 10.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Suzanne was Musing instead of Working Just Now

Just had a few thoughts while at work in the voice over Internet company (Internet protocol-based communications company) Super Technologies, Inc.

I make mistakes every day. My motives in life are usually pretty transparent. I don't pretend to think that anyone is any stupider than I am. I don't care. Jealousy is a foreign word for me that is difficult for me to understand. I feel it less and less often, the older I get.

I wake up, and embrace the day because I like being alive. I experience very few days feeling depressed.

I would rather focus on the positive and not the negative. I focus on the inside of people, not the outside because I find more joy in the mind and heart and less in the body. Comfort beats appearance any day. I.e, I have probably cut up every single piece of my running wear in the attempt to be more comfortable and faster while running. Ask Michael and our running team Emerald Coast Racing Team.

I crave occasional communication with my colleagues, friends, and family because I know it is important to talk, listen and collaborate. Too long of silence is not good.

Life is short, and most people appreciate being remembered, noticed and cared about. Breaking a date is something I do my best to avoid. Money is near the bottom of my list of important things in life.

I'm not Jewish, atheist, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim, but many of my friends and family are. I'm not ashamed to say I'm a Christian. I can understand the idea of wanting to cleanse my mind and heart and have a fresh slate. So, I'll take this opportunity to say, "I'm sorry for all selfish acts committed by me that directly or even indirectly hurt anyone this __________ (you fill in the blank)."

Thanks for listening. I want to listen to you next time and I welcome conversation. And I was thinking one more thing... Facebook is pretty cool, but I see one problem and that is that it can promote everyone just speaking their mind but not responding to responses to them speaking their mind. Ok... time for me to get back to work. ;-)

Mexico DID Direct Inward Dialing Phone Numbers

Have SIP? Will trade DID. is the wholesale global phone number exchange and leader in origination interconnection. In fact, one 6 step interop process listed at will connect your Internet Protocol-based communications company with over 7000 other Internet Protocol-based communications companies.

Just noticed a great deal and I want to let everyone know...

DIDX Seller 705718, Mexico DID direct inward dialing phone numbers $2.50/setup, $3.50/monthly rate, and 5000 included minutes. Only a few left, I noticed!

Sign up at, complete the interop and start buying and/or selling DID on DIDX now. shows how to sign up!

Internet Telephony West 2007 Photos

Internet Telephony West Sept 10, 2007 in Los Angeles

Thought I'd Leave you a Message on Facebook

Have people lost interest in VoIP?

No, we just don't use the term as much as we did.

It's all about "what can we do with it to make communications more rewarding?"

Freeworlddialup's got a Voicemail application you can use on Facebook. I like it. I've used it to wish a new friend get well wishes after oral surgery. I plan to use it to collect short poems and songs in different languages from my colleagues, friends and family on Facebook. Several teachers will use these for fun educational (oxymoron) purposes. I will just enjoy listening over and over. I've got several other ideas for using it, but I need time to think about them before I declare them in public.

Thanks, Daniel and Jeff, for offering the Voicemail app on Facebook. I'm looking forward to the coolest hodge podge of creative uses of this tool. Join Facebook, add the app, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Oh yeah, I invite you to attend Fall VON (Voice, video, vision on the net) Oct 29 - Nov 1, 2007 in Boston, Massachusetts. Free exhibit passes and discounted conference passes available for a limited time at Daniel Berninger of FWD and Suzanne Bowen of DIDXchange will be at booth 1263.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Technorati Spiders Looking for this

Technorati Profile is asking me to claim my blog, so its spiders can see it. Thanks for the invitation from me and my VoIP and non-VoIP homies.

Really looking forward to checking out the blogs you have listed in WTF.

You Charge for Voice? What a Cop out.

So, you're in the Internet protocol-based communications business?

By Suzanne Bowen and Hina Siddiqui...
You care about your customers. You may be one of the CXOs and you dig in and help with customer service, ship product, collaborate on a video, actual participate in Facebook and learn some new code on a daily business.

You've read the blogs that critique your competitors. You note that it appears that the only

way to get noticed, recommended and praised is to offer your voice business component free of charge or at least offer as many freebies as you can with it. If you charge, you will be dissed to the limit.

Those who "dog" IP communications companies for charging for their voice components, may I ask, "How do you pay your bills? Tell the truth. Do mom and dad support you? Were you lucky enough to get investment? Are you homeless so you can afford to offer voice free?"

What I'm saying is this, don't be ashamed for charging your customers for providing them with a service. Provide the best service you can. Use the traditional tools, the web 2.0 tools, and mix and mash them up with your friends. But I think you have a right to make a living.

My personal example is DIDX aka DIDXchange. It's a great platform for collaboration. Entrepreneurial minded individuals and companies all over the world communicate and buy/sell/trade with each other with Super Technologies, Inc. as something like the "eBay" of the processes. I spoke to several members and those intending to join DIDX at ITEXPO West this month who said that DIDX and other IP exchanges/collaborations are a freeing experience. It's disruptive to wholesale, consumer, entertainment and media, but competitors are actually collaborating. Who would think it possible?

So, someone asked, "Why is the DID so expensive on DIDX?" Every right to ask the question.

I put on my Burger King crown and said to myself, "Anyone can join DIDX and make at least 50 DID phone numbers available for sale. They determine the price and the features. We run the QoS measures of DID tester software check, 36 hour test time, and vendor rating. DIDX members as a result, have a choice of features, price, and quality. I.e., a USA DID can be as low as free and as high as $10 per month. A Mexico DID can be as low as $3.00 and as high as $15.00. And... everyone is trying to pay their bills, feed at least one mouth, while assisting the world of IP comms to rollout their cool mashup or even mom and pop traditional feel voice service."

(eBay is a trademarked term that does not belong to my company. eBay is a great tool.)

P.S. I liked JP's blog post main idea: reboot. So, let's really do that and not just talk about it.

P.S.S. Scent over Internet is not stupid. The F may not remain in IFMO. Internet TV can be viewed on a computer monitor and be quite rewarding, Michael (my best friend), and we can throw out our cable bill. You don't have to look a certain way, believe a certain religion, and speak with a certain accent to come up with the coolest new ideas to meet people's needs. Voice does not have to be free.

Inspiration for this post is awarded to these IP communications entities...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

VoIP PSTN Can Protect Intellectual Property NXTCOMM 2007

Marks & Clerk, a European company, at NXTCOMM 2007, patent and trademark attorneys Matthew Mitchell and Richard Maury share how they are reaching out to USA corporations to protect their intellectual property. NXTCOMM 2007 provides the perfect opportunity to meet with as many as 20,000 businesses in one place, saving time and money and promoting business development like never imagined before. Video interview was created by Suzanne Bowen, Vice President of Super Technologies, Inc. on behalf of its DIDXchange ( a media sponsor for NXTCOMM 2007 and 2008. (more)

Today I cried, thanks to Lodhi

Today I cried.

And I am one of those people whose large ego causes me to feel the lump in my throat, determined to shed no tears even while watching Grave of the Fireflies, Walk on Water, and Cocoon.

Umair Lodhi was my team-mate at Super Technologies, Inc. He was my colleague who had a sunny attitude while providing customer service for voice over Internet protocol solutions for the short period of time he was with us. He moved to Malaysia to pursue more and better education. He died this week.

(He was about the age of many of my team at Supertec who I consider as adopted sons and brothers... Muneeb, Steve, Arfeen, Ahsan, Fahad, Sarmad, Imran, Rehan, Ayaz, Tommy, Rizwan... and also my own son Scott Slay, whom I see very seldom, because of differences in religious beliefs. Scott is a good young man who teaches strings and drama classes at a local high school, plays in several bands, has a lovely wife who teaches English and gave us all a lovely grand-daughter that I show off on a regular basis on Youtube: playing basketball, singing "Row, row, row your boat" ...)

Today, I cried. Thank you, Lodhi. I mean it.

You were a good young man, and I am so happy that we knew you and were able to spend time with you. May your family, your parents, your friends be strong and appreciate those who are still here with us while we have them with us and not when it is too late to let them know.

Since posting this item on my blog, I'm welcoming comments from those who knew Lodhi.

Sept 20, 2007
Shady Malik emailed me: He was a sincere friend, very self-sacrificing and very understanding boy. He was a very good listener.. very sweet boy, the best of all the friends I have ever had. He was full of life and was always in a good mood. His mom was broke.. he was her only son :(

Jul 24, 2008
Shady, our good friend and colleague, has made a beautiful page in memory of Lodhi.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Jeff Pulver and Real-Time Social Communications

I received an exciting email from Jeff Pulver (a guy we would never define as digitally smug... he makes you all feel welcome) this morning. In fact, it is likely that you received it, too. I'm adding my own invitation to the world to attend Fall VON in Boston Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2007. While at VON, come visit with me from DIDXchange and Daniel Berninger of Freeworlddialup at booth 1263. Sign up now.

Jeff Pulver's communication: "For over a decade I have spoken about the fact that "Internet Communications" was not just about "voice." And that our VON Conferences were for the people who wanted to know what happens as a result of the continuing growth of pervasive broadband penetration combined with advances in Moore's Law.

Back in 1997, VON was the birthplace for the VoIP Industry as we know it today. And over time, we provided shelter for the evolving world of Presence and Instant Messaging and most recently, the emerging world of Video on the Net. I recently turned my attention this summer to Social Media and "Real-Time Social Communications," and I can not help but smile, because NOW, real-time social communications is as close to the original vision I had for Internet Communications all those years ago. It means to me that the original tag line for VON was the correct one: VON is the home for the Internet Communications Industry, and it is a place where our friends from the evolving world of Social Media are invited to come and join us at.

Anyone who has spent time this summer on Facebook and/or twitter or a variety of other social media platforms, knows how sometimes a platform can just feel "alive." It is a world where status messages blur together and turn asynchronous communications into synchronous. A world where feelings of community are communicated by other things as well as voice. It is where your presence is felt by your friends regardless of their location around the world.

Some of the people who have heard me over the years make the statement that Internet Communications is not just about voice might have a better perspective on what I was thinking about way back then. For years, despite my own best efforts, Internet Communications and VoIP were tied together in the minds of many. I remember trying to explain to regulators why the advent of Internet communications wasn't a threat to the established voice communications companies because what I envisioned represented communications which would have not happened without the Internet's power to enable such modes of communication. The continued growth of real-time social communications will continue to help bring people together and provide opportunities to share many things including: presence, community, context and a feeling of connectedness without borders, connecting people with people from any spot in the world with each other.

I am looking forward to having a platform and speaking at Fall 2007 VON where I will be sharing my perspective on the future of Internet Communications as we know it today.

And I hope to see YOU in Boston the week of October 29th. Should be an exciting one for everyone who has a vested interested in the future of Internet Communications...

Please feel free to share this information with other members on your team. And please feel free to connect with me on both Facebook ( and on twitter ("

Feel free to add me to your Facebook network at If you don't have a Facebook account, just sign up at! It's the place to network for business, to stay in touch with family and friends, to choose applications best for you, join and create groups and more. BTW, FWD Freeworlddialup is offering a super application My Voicemail on Facebook!

DIDXchange is a media sponsor for Fall VON 2007. Meet with me and also Daniel Berninger of FWD at booth 1263.

Internet Telephony West 2007 Witches' Brew Engineering Inc.

The Internet protocol-based communications company who makes sense to the average consumer (whose expertise usually will not include VoIP) will beat the digitally smug companies. Digitally smug defines individuals and companies that treat others who do not know as much as they do about technology as if they are not worth the air they breathe. You know what I'm talking about. ;-) If you discover that you or your company are doing this, stop! Listen to Ken Iverson of Witches' Brew Engineering Inc. and Steve Cayona of DIDXchange and Super Technologies, Inc. discuss voice over Internet for the customer.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I3Networks (from DIDX) International Traffic Rates Reduced

Exciting World Communications Awards are Announced

WCA 2007 Shortlists

Once again, the number of impressive entries this year has caused our expert judges many hours of contemplation - and much heated debate!
We are now delighted to announce the finalists for the WCA 2007:

Best Brand
Bharti Airtel Ltd.
iiNet Limited
Orange Business Services
StarHub Ltd
The Egyptian Company for Mobile Services (Mobinil)

Best Content Service
Bharti Airtel Ltd.
BT Vision
Interoute Communications Limited
TTX Ltd, 'Teletrax'

Best Customer Service
BT Group plc
Cable & Wireless
mobilkom austria AG
Orange Business Services
Rackspace Managed Hosting
TTX Ltd, 'Teletrax'

Best Global Operator
BT Group plc
NTT Communications
Orange Business Services

Best Managed Service
NTT Communications
Orange Business Services
Verizon Business

Best Mobile Operator
Bharti Airtel Ltd.
Orange Business Services
T-Mobile UK
Telstra 3

Best New Service
3 Italia
COLT Telecom Group
Globe Telecom
Orange Business Services

Best Operator in a Developing Market
Afsat Communications Africa Limited
Roshan (Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd)
Afghan Wireless
Local Servicos de Telecommunicacoes
Mobilink GSM
AES Communications Rio de Janeiro (AES Com)
JSC Kazakhtelecom

Best Project Management
Orange Business Services
PCCW Global
CH2M HILL (Managed Services for Cable & Wireless Isle of Man Wireless Network Rollout)
Tech Mahindra Limited

Best Technology Foresight
ip.accesss ltd.
Entone, Inc.
Blueslice Networks
Jasper Wireless
Microsoft Connected Services Sandbox

Best Wholesale Carrier
TeliaSonera International Carrier
Belgacom International Carrier Services SA
VSNL (Rich Business)
AES Communications Rio de Janeiro

The Convergence Award
BT (21CN)
Orange Business Services (Unik)
BT (Business One Plan)
Orange Business Services (Business Everywhere )

We are proud to share the announcement the following teams and individuals from across the global telecoms industry that have created significant changes and progress over the past year. These are the Best Changemaker finalists:

Vishvas Sethi (Botswana Telecommunications Corporation)

Vish has led the transformation of a small African service provider into the world of IP, focusing on Internet and managed services. His team developed and launched broadband in the country, where they are now focusing on bringing world-class IP services.

Aditya Kumar Gupta and Randeep Sethi (VSNL)

Solution architect and strategic account manager respectively, this team challenged existing internal practices to make the customer an integral part of the project from presales to implementation. In this way, they brought about significant changes in internal approach as well as winning over the customer.

John Gonner, Mike Wright and the Telstra Wireless team (Telstra Corporation Ltd)

The Wireless team realised a critical part of the Telstra CEO's Plan for Australia - to bring broadband to everyone as rapidly as possible - by building the Next G wireless broadband network in a record 10 months. The Next G network was launched simultaneously across metropolitan, regional and rural Australia in October 2006, offering wireless broadband and 3G services to many regional Australians for the first time

V.Gribanov, V. Pugay, M. Ralko, N. Kudasova, T. Niyazov, S. Ulibayeva, A. Omarov, A.Bogdanov, R.Abykhanov (JSC Kazakhtelecom)

With the efforts of V. Gribanov and his team, this former monopolist has made great contributions to changing the telecoms environment in Kazakhstan and in the creation of favourable opportunities for operators.

Mario Domingo, Head of Service Creation Division (Globe Telecom)

Mario leads the innovation initiatives of the company, enabling a long view of services and potential businesses. He has also led the company's project management competency and is a sought-after speaker worldwide in topics like SDP, mobile content and cross-cultural diversity management.

Congratulations to you all from me Suzanne Bowen, DIDXchange and the Super Technologies, Inc. team!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 President Shares Open Source Success at ITExpo

Jorge Rodriguez is one of the most successful IP communications companies focusing on empowering call centers with open source technologies and using for origination.

Chris Lyman, CEO of Fonality, at ITEXPO West 2007

Chris Lyman, CEO of Fonality, at ITEXPO West 2007. Makers of PBXtra and TrixboxPro, 2 largest IP PBX solutions for small businesses ... enterprise grade, pretty impressive. Trixbox workshops were excellent with 70 people signed up at this event by Rich Tehrani. See another ITEXPO West video interview with several that I met such as Jorge Rodriguez of who has basically been a success in the open source world both financially and professionally. I truly DIDXchange EMJOYED interviewing Chris and several other of the VoIP industry's most successful companies and professionals at ITexpo, an event by the guru himself Rich Tehrani.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Rich Tehrani's Internet Telephony West 2007 in L.A. Day 1

Free Hugs Day Sept 10, 2007 at Internet Telephony West in Los Angeles, CA

Suzanne Bowen, DIDXchange and Keith Evans of Tech Data, Inc. spreading the hugs around.

Don Witt of Cylogistics and Suzanne Bowen of Super Technologies, Inc. ... more hugs before the show.

Atul Gupta, Dr. B. Gopinath, and colleague of Ardit, Inc. across from DIDXchange at Internet Telephony West 2007. See Mr. Gopinath's video interview describing why he is at the event Internet Telephony Expo and Conference after hearing so much about Rich Tehrani and his events, and Jorge C. Rodriquez's ( Youtube to be posted soon. More pictures and videos will be posted here, on my Google gallery and Youtube.

Sept 10, 2007 Free Hugs Day in VoipDom

Just read USA Today's "Is 9/11 becoming just another calendar date?" by Rick Hampson.

Second paragraph, "You might forget the date Hiroshima was bombed or Kennedy was shot."

Why might we forget these dates? Who does remember? Japanese remember. The military remember. Social Studies teachers remember. Those who fought in World War II... Those whose loved ones were effected first-hand or second-hand by any of the above three dates. Those who live in the country that was violated.

I woke up this morning remembering I have a husband, son, adopted son, two sisters, one brother, father, step-mother, uncle and several nieces and nephews.

They are all alive. Many many around the world, though... woke up this morning where one or more of their loved ones are gone because of some strife (that is often far estranged from themselves) among religions, big business, ethnicity or just plain world control. ALL OVER THE WORLD: USA, Australia, Malaysia, United Kingdom, Thailand, Pakistan, China, Switzerland, Iraq, South Africa and every corner of our world.

We are not unique in these truths. We are alike. Today is September 10, 2007, Free Hugs Day. Share a hug with everyone you meet. That hug might prevent a catastrophe.

Steven Cayona and I are at Internet Telephony West today at the Los Angeles Convention Center learning from my friends and competitors who are the same people. We'll hear TMC president Rich Tehrani and ABP president Robert Messer discuss how to sell VoIP, Ingate and Trixbox's workshops, and other IP communications presentations.

We'll see you at the DIDXchange booth 134 at 4:15 PM where we are sharing free hugs, answering technical and sales questions, and taking entries (from those with a SIP solution) for our Sept 11, 2007 Tuesday 5 PM drawing for 500 free Ohio, USA direct inward dialing phone numbers to jumpstart an Internet protocol-based communications business!

My Dad always says, "Do unto others before they do unto you." So, when I see you, you're getting a hug! Thank you, Dave Matthews Band, for letting us visualize.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Green Technology is Hot, Register Free in Advance

September 10-12, 2007
Los Angeles Convention Center - Los Angeles, California

Dear you who are reading this post, the brightest individuals and companies on the planet,

The Green Technology World Conference is the premier event focused on helping you learn and share technologies, essential issues, and trends that enable companies to operate more efficiently, thereby creating a positive impact on both your businesses and the environment. Just one a few days away! September 11th-12th at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

Register to attend this ground breaking event for FREE: breakout sessions, keynote presentations, roundtable discussions, networking receptions, and the exhibit hall featuring companies demonstrating the latest “clean and green” technologies – all for no cost when you register in advance.

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Register today for your free pass here.


The conference program for the Green Technology World Conference was created to provide the most useful, relevant information possible, focusing on providing real-world examples from leading companies using green technologies. And each of the sessions and roundtable discussions will be led by speakers selected from hundreds of applicants, representing some of most innovative companies utilizing clean and green technologies, including Cisco, Toyota, AMD, Ericsson, and many more.

Below is a list of the sessions offered over the two-day Green Technology World Conference:

Top Ten Ways to be GREEN through Better Networking
Maximizing Benefits of a Virtual Workforce
Empowering Teleworking with IP Telephony and Web Services
Virtual Meetings: A Faster Path to Lowered Emissions
Alleviating the Carbon Footprint of Corporate Travel though Conferencing, Collaboration and Video Conferencing
Green Case Study: Pat Lobb Toyota
The Greening of the Data Center – A Roundtable Discussion
Paving the Way for a Greener Approach to Deploying Telecom Networks
Advanced TCA — Green Conferencing in Data Centers
Truly Green Application Specific Computer Design
The Future of Green Technology – A Roundtable Discussion
Keynote presentations featuring leaders of Tandberg and Polycom

You can read full descriptions of these sessions, along with learn more about the speakers presenting at the event here.

We hope you will participate in the Green Technology World Conference, and look forward to seeing you next week in Los Angeles.


The Green Technology World Conference Team

PS - Feel free to pass this note on to friends so they can also register for a free pass to the Green Technology World Conference!

Emerald Sponsors:
CRGWEST, Tandberg See: green, Polycom

Jade Sponsors:

Clover Sponsor:
Conference Plus

Supporting Organization for the Green Technology World Conference and Internet Telephony West 2007:

Related articles and videos:

Green Technology Gets Hotter - Investors take a look at renewable energy companies with an eye to the future.

View Video - Rich Tehrani "TMC Launches Green Technology World"

Monday, September 03, 2007

DIDX Member offers SKYPE IN Mexico DID Phone Numbers!

MCM, a member of offers Mexico DID direct inward dialing numbers on Skype! Login to your Skype account and get one.


地点:2007年9月10日至9月12日 美国加利福尼亚,洛杉矶


See the schedule of events for Internet Telephony West 2007 Expo and Conference at and approximately 2 posts before this one. See you at the IT West Expo in Los Angeles Sept 10-12, 2007. DIDXchange booth will be 134.

We want to take your video interview where you highlight your business in VoIP and how you use DID direct inward dialing in a creative way.