Wednesday, December 17, 2008

BRAVO to SUPERCOMM 2009 for International Visitors' Assistance

I traveled 22 weeks of the year 2008 visiting with friends, partners, clients, and potentials all three at conferences around the globe. For me, that was easy because I have always been a USA citizen.

But... many of the brightest entrepreneurial minds are not in the USA. They are citizens of other countries, and it is our loss in the United States to not have opportunity to share, teach and learn from them right here in conferences on our soil.

SUPERCOMM has a complete page dedicated to helping those international businesses and individuals to more easily participate at

The one thing I question is why only focus on Spanish, Japanese, French, and German? Even so, the page is very helpful to anyone in any country to get involved and participate in SUPERCOMM 2009 in June at the McCormick Place in Chicago, Ill! Don't forget to add yourself to the Facebook event networking area at

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

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