Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seize the Moment by friends of Suzanne Bowen

Suzanne is not able to type for at least a week which must feel like one of the worst punishments she could have. She is a good writer and loves to write. She thrives on accomplishment, doing the right thing, and getting as many right things done as possible with quality performance. She's her worst critic, too; believe us on that one. (One of us typing this post for her is her ex-student Teonia Burton.)

But since she can't write this week (the doctors say), we will write for her, her friends. Her husband Michael Bowen just gave her a wonderful book for Christmas The Last Lecturer by Randy Pausch.

The book's words remind us very much of Suzanne.

You will often hear Suzanne say things like:
"Time is more important than money."

"All we have is time."

"Seize the moment."

"When you write, write as if you want everyone on earth to understand the meaning, not just the intelligentsia or the morons, but those and everyone in in between."

"When all hell breaks loose, smile and think of your mom and dad or your new grandchildren."

"Look for the best in everybody."

"Don't let them see you sweat. In other words, care but don't care too much."

"Stop wasting your time complaining and get to work."

"Make friends with your competitors and collaborate with them in business."

"If I have to talk on the phone, I might as well be walking around the park (for exercise and fresh air) at the same time. This way I will give the guy or gal on the other end my complete attention. Yikes, but they will probably wonder why I'm breathing so hard."

Perhaps we'll write for her again this week in as close to her "voice" as possible. "Grab that there moment, y'all," as we say in the Deep South.

* She has a business travel injury that resulted in tears in her shoulder muscles and dislocated right shoulder. But, believe us, she'll be back at work Monday Dec. 29, 2008 sharp at 7 AM or earlier when her doctor says that she can.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at http://blogs.didx.net and http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/. You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.


Anonymous said...

You have just made my day because I was thinking about you just recently; bragging about how I can still recite the poem by Jose Marti I learned in Spanish class and remembering the teacher who started my passion for dance with CLOGGING LESSONS!! Thank you for caring so much. PS:Do you believe in TELEPATHY? This is a true example!!
Teonia teoniab@yahoo.com

Suzanne Bowen said...

Teonia, you are so cool. I remember you choosing Uncle Tom's Cabin, that great big book when you were just in middle school. You always questioned everything, and I appreciated that in you as a student. You were extremely interested in getting the most out of your studies and out of your life. You were very mature. I can't wait to hear from you now that you're big and out of my old middle school class I taught. ;-) I sent you my phone number and email address. I'm still in Pensacola.