Thursday, August 13, 2009

Smart Grid Summit at ITEXPO including Energy Management in the Home

Feel like conferences you attend have the same people and showcase the same technologies? Not ITEXPO. Smart Grid Summit at ITEXPO, Sept 1-3, 2009 is a hot new area that is driving massive participation. Check

Grid Interoperability & Standards
As reflected by The Energy Independence and Security Act, the need for a common grid architecture, where all aspects of grid communications and control are standardized uniformly is of central importance to a proper functioning Smart Grid infrastructure. In this panel, members of various international and national standards bodies spanning the full spectrum of the communications industry, together with leading solutions providers will share their insights.

Energy Management in the Home
Home energy management will be a significant opportunity brought on by the Smart Grid. There are various issues which have to be addressed in this space: if real time-time data access is needed, device interoperability, the impact of regulations on a competitive landscape, issues of who controls devices and owns the data they generate, consumer privacy.

Emerging Opportunities
When the Smart Grid is connected to the Smart Home, we will have the required infrastructure to expand past energy management into many other fields enabled by real-time two-way communications. This session will explore emerging opportunities and business models that come with ubiquitous broadband, smart metering, and critical steps to reduce our dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Utilities and Their Smart Grid Visions
Smart Grid is a broad concept, and being so new, utilities have various visions and deployment plans. Some of this is driven by regulatory and policy issues, some is based on local market dynamics, and some is based a particular vision about sustainable or green energy initiatives. This session will explore a range of visions and best practices from utilities in various stages of Smart Grid deployment.

Demand Response on a Communications Enabled Grid
In industrial settings, Demand Response services play a central role in the efficient use of energy. Looking beyond this niche, the automation and real-time gauging of Demand Response applied to consumers in general will be, among other things, both essential to a grid supporting renewable energy sources and paramount to a reliable energy grid. This panel will include thought leaders from the leading DR service providers, DR technology vendors, and researchers to explore the new opportunities of demand response on a Smart Grid.

(Copied from the original website above.) DIDXchange is a media partner for ITEXPO West.

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