Monday, July 13, 2009

High Engagement Equal Better Revenue Growth and Bigger Market Share

What does this mean in every day language? No matter how cool your IP communications or other business mash-up, invention, business idea, or service is... if you do not think that taking time to talk and communicate with your team members, especially management, is important, via email, IM, voice, and video (a combination is best), you will not make as much as money nor grow your market as big and well as if you did take the time.

You cannot just dictate to everyone regarding every minute detail of work what will be done and how it will be done.

What was that again? "High engagement equal better revenue growth and bigger market share," says DHL's vice president of human resources Richard Hediger

In fact, leaders in a company who communicate with their team on a regular and meaningful basis, are the best of leaders. This is one of the best ways to keep GOOD employees. When you avoid voice conversations, face to face conversations and DO NOT allow any discussion of issues that will have an important impact on the employees, customers and suppliers, you are basically telling your team that they are do not matter, you don't care if they stay, and you are living in "La Dee Da" land.

Note to self: Think about this extremely important wise saying by DHL's vice president of human resources Richard Hediger and put it to work, Suzanne.

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