Thursday, May 28, 2009

Valdi Talks to His Car Via SpeechPhone

Valdi Tchakalsky of SpeechPhone, who provide soip, mandi live, virtual receptionist and international DID coverage, gives a live demonstration of the power of Speechphone. I start the conversation off with a silly suggestion that of course, SpeechPhone is already on! Speechphone gave demos at the DIDXchange booth at CTIA Wireless 2009 in Las Vegas. We are extremely proud of all DIDX telephony service provider members!

Web pages to see more:

Virtual Assistant



More demonstrations

By the way, they have the best bike phone around that comes in handy you wear on your ear (bluetooth), not too big or too small, great sound quality, still can hear everything around you and be quite safe.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

1 comment:

Suzanne Bowen said...

Valdi shared more information with me via Facebook, direct quote: Thank you for your comment. The Bluetooth headset you use is called Pure Audio BT-200 (see it at This is a great device for business conversations on the cell phone because eliminates the noise and people sound like they are talking from your office.

We are developing a new service and … a new HANDS-... Read MoreFREE BIKE KIT that will enable bicycle enthusiasts to mind their business and personal social life when enjoying their bike-rides and use hands-free their cell phones with simple voice commands to receive and make calls, or to handle their email, voicemail and SMS messaging.