Friday, May 14, 2010

How to and How Not to Get People to Work Happily and Productively

There is such a thing. I was comparing the difference between Fring and Skype for ease of download, installation, use, ease of managing settings and de-installation. I called 6 CXOs to discuss the title of this blog post at the same time. I plan to write about both on my TMC blog some time in June.  For now...

Some videos on Youtube that focus on CXOs and human resources:

How to Motivate at ... usually sitting on the front row and aware of everyone around you... are they asleep, awake or using their Blackberry. "Thank God, I am alive today. Let's go make another spreadsheet."

Funny! Advice to managers: use big words, tell your employees what they should be doing even though have never actually done what they are doing for 10 hours in a row, always find soemthing wrong with what your people are doing or else ... why are you even there?

CEO Rob Davidson on leading in a flexible work environment ... over a 90 person recruitment firm at ...  "A Road to Damascus experience."

Idiot CEO? 123 of Great Teamworking ... a bit funny ... I watched this and thought ... it looks like he is doing everything for his team.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and Find out how to get your telephone company to offer phone numbers from around the world. You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

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