Thursday, April 30, 2009

How you are or can use your mobile phone via SIP

On May 14, 2009 at 10 AM EST (USA time)*, you can listen to a seminar titled SIP Goes Mobile: the Case for RCS via the registration link. Find out how the people who may, the end-users are using mobile, how they want to use mobile, and how many companies are searching for ways to make the end-users' wishes come true. SIP, SIP, SIP.**

Speakers include:
Diane Myers, Directing Analyst, Service Provider VoIP and IMS, Infonetics Research

Diane Myers is widely regarded as one of the VoIP industry’s top analysts. She brings to Infonetics 14 years of telecom industry analyst and marketing experience, including over 3 years as Strategic Marketing Director for VoIP application software vendor BroadSoft.

Aude Pichelin, Head of Multimedia Services Standardisation in Orange, and chair of RCS

Aude is responsible for FT/Orange’s standardisation and technical strategy for multimedia services and applications. She is actively contributing to FT/Orange’s implementation of IMS based services, 3rd parties framework and APIs, identity management and devices platforms.

Kevin Mitchell, Director, Wireless Solutions, Acme Packet

Kevin leads Acme Packet's communications, marketing and events for the wireless and mobile markets. This role encompasses the role their session border controllers, multiservice security gateways and session routing proxies fulfill for mobile operators, MVNOs, IPX carriers, mobile VoIP ASPs, and other relevant verticals.

* Not sure what time the seminar will be in your time zone? Check

* * Mobile SIP search

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