Monday, March 05, 2007

From DIDX Suzanne Bowen, Assistance with Chargebacks in IP Communications Industry

I met 3PV at the Spring Comptel show in February 2007. I was actually there to move our current DIDXchange carrier relationships toward more success and to assist new incumbents, wireless operators, CLEC's and other IP Communication companies to take advantage of buy/sell wholesale DID with the 4700+ carriers on I interview every single one. One of the biggest problems for IP communications companies is...

Credit card fraud and resulting chargebacks can be a huge problem in the midst of IP Communications success. I found 3PV at Comptel. Check it out. Contact Louis for more information and sign up at your wholesale phone number needs.

From: lkauffmann
Date: Mar 5, 2007 10:07 AM
Subject: 3PV/AssureSign
To: suzanne

Per our conversation earlier in Las Vegas, I have a product that could be a great value ... charge back issue with Visa/MC or require a customer’s signature, please give me a call or respond to this email and I can schedule a demo for you. We have a solution to that problem. Our product captures your customer’s signature with a mouse. You must check this demo out. The ASR demo is now in our production environment and thus available from the outside world.

I look forward to hearing from you shortly. Have a great day!

Louis Kauffmann
Sales Manager
3PV – Third Party Verification, Inc.
220 East Central Parkway, Suite 3000
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701

Phone: (407) 865-9966 x261
Fax: (407) 774-3388

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