Friday, November 28, 2008

Economic Crisis? Do the Innovative and International ITEXPO

The ITEXPO team draws you in from around the world to mix, network, partner, buy, sell, innovate! It's magnetic.

Listen (at our ITEXPO Youtube channel) to participants speak in English, Russian, and Swahili. Eavesdrop on TW Telecom, Digium, D2 Technologies, an Angel Investor, FaxSipIT, GotVoice, Fonality, Celtrek, Global Roaming enjoying the heck out of the ITEXPO experience of professional education, socializing and developing business simultaneously.

Be a part of this on Feb. 2-4, 2009 in Miami Florida for ITEXPO East 2009. Sign up at Be ready to buy, sell, and develop business with companies from most of the 190+ nations of the world! Need a visa to visit to the USA to attend this conference? See

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Test out Making n Receiving Phone Calls with Gmail

Please be a part of an article I will add on my TMCNET blog next week at . Check out these directions at, try it, and email me, Facebook me, Skype me, leave me a Gizmo voicemail or email me on my work email your experience, issues, discoveries, etc. I'll give you credit with your name, company name and what you contribute.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy when those NOT like You Get Hurt?

Love thy neighbor as thyself.

We have to stop being happy when those who are not like us ... get hurt.
I remember clearly comments and actions (seen first-hand and via the media) ...

made by those happy and those unhappy about the following events:

911, the Jewish Holocaust, the killing of Muslim families who are in areas of insurgents, hate crimes against homosexuals, and the murder, killing whether accidental or on purpose of anyone different from you or me. Yes, I have heard comments from different people who were happy about EACH of these things!!!!!!!

Thanks to Mark Hewitt at in his post on the Charter of Compassion. Listen to the mix of voices who explain why we rejoice when others get hurt who are not like us and what we can do about this.

Peace to all. Amen. (Use some VoIP today to pass this around.)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Met one of the Authors of VoiceXML Early Adopters

I recently met Jessica Zhu, founder of VoPromote, member of DIDX, and one of the co-authors of VoiceXML Early Adopters. We had a nice chat at the Adobe HQ in San Jose after ISPCON. You can order her book at

I placed my order and will share it with everyone in my company.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Atlas of Earth by the Onion

We must check this URL out the next time we have a nonprofit clothing swap, Facebook meetup or any kind of party or celebration... .

BTW, I'm not cool, but you are!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ISPs Can Leverage Emails Like Yahoo and Google Do

Listen to Mark LiButti a great way to monetize your IP communications business at William Intrater was also helping out at the booth. I mistakenly thought William was speaking initially.

Layne Sisk Server Plus at ISPCON - Plan Biz like Network 1

This blog is not about how great Suzanne is but how interesting you are ... and the Server Plus is an example of an exciting and different paradigm, a breath of fresh air, and we saw much of that at ISPCON in San Jose, Ca. last week in Nov. 2008!

... View Layne Sisk of Server Plus discussing how we put much effort in having cutting edge networks, but what our businesses??? I will add more clips of his presentation soon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tristan of Switchvox and Matthew or IPiFony at ISPCON

What would you expect to experience at a trade show for Internet service providers? Listen to Tristan Degenhart, one of the original founders of Switchvox and also working with Digium as well as Matthew Hardeman who is system architect of IPiFony discuss voip equipment and hosted IP pbx at Both are refreshing young people in our industry with energy, technical intelligence and marketing savvy we can all learn from.

About ISPCON...
I didn't get a chance to have a personal talk with Tristan, but we did get together with IPiFony at the DIDX Bloggers' Breakfast during ISPCON in San Jose last week (November 2008). We would like to note that Alex Goldman, Peter Radizeski, and others from Jupiter Media did an excellent job bringing participants together with the best speakers from VoipLogic, ImageStream, Google, Cogent Communications, ServerPlus, Jaguar Communications, Switchvox, IPiFony and more.

The exhibits were low in number but high in innovation and real skills at networking effectively. We all remember exhibits where the booth personnel hide in a corner and never make eye contact. ;-)

Win an iPod Touch at

Just in time for the holidays... oh, that's true. This post is written on Nov. 18, 2008. Which holidays? Thanksgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Eid-Ul-Adha ...

Two ways to win an iPod Touch in November for someone special.

1. Rate a vendor

Submit a rating this month to be entered to win a 16GB Apple iPod Touch in your Members Only promotion at Vendorrate.

2. Refer the most colleagues to use Vendorrate!

It's simple, the 2 members who refer the most colleagues in November each win a 16GB iPod Touch.
Have your colleagues use this referral code or your own after you sign up and rate your first vendor: GKHCHDQT or send them this link:

Good luck! I think this is a great idea.

Communications via Neural Interface

... Jacked in?

Where Do the IP Addresses Come From?

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Globalize local communications = Followo Communications' Mantra

Yesterday I was showing a colleague how to tether his Nokia E61i to his laptop. This was my answer to his: "I can't work. I don't have any Internet."


Problem solved! Next, we both conferenced with a new DIDXchange (an electronic wholesale marketplace for buying and selling of DID/DDI) member* Charles Lu. He has been a part of the global Asterisk developers' community for several years. His company Softele is based in Canada.

What stood out to me in our conversation was Charles' collection of words into an interesting phrase, basically his mantra, his mission... globalize local communications.

With Followo service, clients get to:

1. Assign a DID from city in another country to a local home or mobile phone.

2. Assign a DID that is local to family, friends, potential customers in a city in another country.

3. Take the DIDs (phone numbers) while traveling and avoid overseas roaming charges.

4. Choose the most cost-effective phone to answer incoming calls: mobile phone, home phone, softphone, VoIP hard phone.

5. Change the "ring to" anytime as often as needed.

6. Ring 2 phones at once.

7. No contract, pay as you go.

Charles' team speaks English and Mandarin, both with a clearly understood accent. The target market will be China, Canada, USA and Pakistan where millions of people speak both languages, are very mobile, and need local presence in an area on Earth that they are not physically in that varies by the day even.

For now, watch for Followo service roll out before the New Year January 26, 2009!

* (At first I placed a comma between the words "member" and "Charles" and then realized that "Charles Lu" is essential to the sentence; therefore, no comma is needed.)

Friday, November 07, 2008

VoIP Users Conference Discusses Asterisk Bounties

Asterisk voip-info Wiki

Want to listen to the podcast of this discussion on VoIP Users Conference? Okay... click ahead

Other websites that bring developers and idea people together.
PartnerUP ... ok... we've been waiting all year. In fact, I remember Jehan Ara mentioning this website as being extremely innovative young startup during her keynote speech at ITCN Asia in August. Just wondering, where's the beef?

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Let them eat cake?? No, get the TRUTH

Jim Collins says when you think you are great, you are not.

Don't be afraid to let your clients rate your company's services. A client's best gift to you is when he or she points out your company's weaknesses and areas that need improvement without malice and in a rational manner.

Invite your clients to rate your services and in turn, rate your suppliers at
I discovered the energetic and positive VendorRate team at some VON and ITEXPO shows that our DIDX media channel sponsors. Happy rating!

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Where is Digifonica?

Does anyone know? Their URL does not load and their phone numbers are fast busy. Looking forward to advice.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

USA Might get a CTO

USA might get a CTO.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Eavesdrop on Jay Xia and Rehan Ahmed

Listen in, soak it up... makes you wish you were there in the middle discussing, dreaming of the future of mobile communications. Watch on the DIDXchange Youtube Channel.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Choosing Between Appearance & Glamor vs Humor & Health

True, aesthetics is interesting, but in the end...

Appearance and glamor are empty. Humor and health will keep us going much longer in the best and worst of times. When we place too much emphasis on appearance and glamor, we will be disappointed.

This applies to:

I'd rather gaze in the endorphin-filled eyes of my old ugly (in appearance) friends, customers and colleagues (me ugly as I want right with them) as we laugh our way through troubleshooting configuration of every ATA on the planet...

than to deal with another ...

who won't stop giving advice on which makeup to buy, stating the fact that he or she can't work in this or that office because it's just not rich and fancy enough, getting their motivation from how expensive my or their clothes are, comparing how people look, buying stuff that looks good but doesn't cut the cake.

Haven't you ever bought a cell phone, laptop, car, electrostatic precipitator that looked good but just didn't perform to the standard you needed? Looking good doesn't mean much.

So which ATAs work with Asterisk best and which with SIP and which work great with both? I'm not asking how good they look, but just tell us the experience you've had with different ATAs from Snom, Grandstream, Motorola, Cisco, Innomedia and more. Configuration, ease of use, performance?

(Thank you, Robin Williams. As you say, some people are so beautiful but they have no expression.)

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Out of Five Best Girl Friends, 3 Don't Have a Landline

Seriously! One is using Verizon on a Blackberry Curve. One is using T-Mobile. Another AT&T on a Nokia E61i like me. The first is not interested yet in using mobile VoIP. I need to check out her Blackberry to see if it is capable even. The second two are using Truphone, Fring, and checking out Nimbuzz since my blog comparing mobile VoIP. One of them uses Celtrek because she travels all over Europe and Latin America and wants the reduced roaming fees and local phone numbers, something that makes Celtrek very unique.

The only reason the other 2 still have a landline is that Cox has convinced them that they have to buy cable, Internet and phone all in one from them where the phone service is app. $35 USD/month and does not offer unlimited calling to anywhere in the USA. I'm not one to force anyone to do anything. Lead by your example.

So read this blog post at Joop, very professionally done ...

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bloggers' Breakfast During ISPCON on Nov 12th

Message me on Facebook for more details. What better idea to develop business, share research and development ideas, and get blogged about than to attend a Bloggers' Breakfast. And that is what is promoting. Don't miss the Bloggers' Breakfast at the St. Claire during ISPCON in San Jose, California.

Among those attending: 12 bloggers, reps from Women in VoIP, DIDXchange, Facebook, ISPCON, VoiceCon, and if we're lucky the coolest podcasters around!

(My IPOD is full of Geekspeak as well as DIDX interviews and VoIP Users Conference audio files. Sure makes waiting for anything a joy.)

Again, message me on Facebook for more details, and if you also want to attend ISPCON, go sign up now at

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

DIDX Desert Safari and Dinner

and more at ...

We don't waste customer's money on entertainment. Instead, we have a green project where we sell emtpy ink cartridges and bottle caps on different auction websites that funds the fun!

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

What Cell Phone are You Using? 2

Following the DIDX Dinner and Desert Safari during Gitex 2008, Jenny Callicott of Celtrek and some guys from Snom discuss their cell phones and using or choosing to not use them while roaming in United Arab Emirates.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.