Saturday, November 08, 2008

Globalize local communications = Followo Communications' Mantra

Yesterday I was showing a colleague how to tether his Nokia E61i to his laptop. This was my answer to his: "I can't work. I don't have any Internet."


Problem solved! Next, we both conferenced with a new DIDXchange (an electronic wholesale marketplace for buying and selling of DID/DDI) member* Charles Lu. He has been a part of the global Asterisk developers' community for several years. His company Softele is based in Canada.

What stood out to me in our conversation was Charles' collection of words into an interesting phrase, basically his mantra, his mission... globalize local communications.

With Followo service, clients get to:

1. Assign a DID from city in another country to a local home or mobile phone.

2. Assign a DID that is local to family, friends, potential customers in a city in another country.

3. Take the DIDs (phone numbers) while traveling and avoid overseas roaming charges.

4. Choose the most cost-effective phone to answer incoming calls: mobile phone, home phone, softphone, VoIP hard phone.

5. Change the "ring to" anytime as often as needed.

6. Ring 2 phones at once.

7. No contract, pay as you go.

Charles' team speaks English and Mandarin, both with a clearly understood accent. The target market will be China, Canada, USA and Pakistan where millions of people speak both languages, are very mobile, and need local presence in an area on Earth that they are not physically in that varies by the day even.

For now, watch for Followo service roll out before the New Year January 26, 2009!

* (At first I placed a comma between the words "member" and "Charles" and then realized that "Charles Lu" is essential to the sentence; therefore, no comma is needed.)

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