Saturday, September 13, 2008

Live in the Los Angeles Area? Come to ITEXPO

If you live anywhere near Los Angeles, I recommend going to right now before it's too late, sign up for a free expo pass or for a great deal on full conference pass to Internet Telephony West 2008. Message me on Facebook and let me know you'll be there!

A friend of mine on Facebook named Tinu Abayomi-Paul tells everyone that Suzanne's the voIP guru in her network. I think she needs to add Rich Tehrani, Mark Spencer, Rehan Ahmed, or Jeff Pulver (whose birthday is one day before mine, and I have somehow disappeared from his Facebook network a second time ;-) and then Tinu will have a real "Oh Wise One." Thank you much, Tinu, for the praise you gave me on Blog Radio.

I am writing this blog after having had revueltos y cafe muy negro in a park with some homeless people. I really enjoyed talking with them. (See a video of one of my interesting homeless friends in San Jose.) Topic for today... talking on the phone! (I'm in Mexico City seeing Daniel Reyes, CMO for MCM Telecom and Alejandra get married. We met running at Spring VON San Jose 2006. Yes, people who sit at computers to work also might run.)

We all were talking about our careers. My turn? I said that I'm in the business to make sure the people who are important to us start calling us and I also use telephony to help people get jobs and start businesses with the magic of the most special piece of our identity, the telephone number. Many of them had heard of Skype, Yahoo, MSN, Vonage and were curious about other internet-related telephony services.

I demonstrated with my cell phone the services of Celtrek, Truphone, Fring, Gizmo5 and MobileMax. Then with my laptop, I let them try Skype, Virtualphoneline, Groovytel, Comtel Networks, and FWD (a service our company is a corporate sponsor for).

They had so many questions. I referred them to a couple friends in Mexico who are in the voIP business. Who knows? Maybe one of them will startup some new mashup. They're better at thinking out of the box than I am.

Meanwhile, I really meant this blog to be to my friends on Facebook, in Pensacola, Florida; on Linkedin, on Emerald Coast Racing Team, my family (well, they all use Super-phone and Gizmo5), and the world ... the best way to learn...

is to mix in with the brightest minds in telecommunications. Whether you are a consumer, student, entrepreneur, traditional telco, or what?

Sign up now at to attend the ITEXPO West Sept 16 -18, 2008 next week in Los Angeles, California. If you live anywhere between Silicon Valley and Tijuana or over to Las Vegas, etc... that's a short trip. Learn how to start a new career, check it out.

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