I'm dancing with joy as usual (at least in my head) but more than ever at this moment because I found a super strategy I want to share with you to influence others, publish your knowledge and views, and to collaborate with and learn from the best in your industry.
What's the secret? Blog Friends on Facebook! I added the Facebook application about two months ago, and it is one of my favorites. (Others I like are Scrabulous, Free Conference Calls, Traveler's IQ Challenge, ILike from the same guy who runs Garageband, Truphone, Myphone, FWD's Voicemail and there are more, but I'll stop there.)
Bloggers around the world, those I know and don't know, when you invite friends to add the Blog Friends application, they automatically become "Fans" of your blog and see your posts by preference in their "River." This "River" showcases your posts on their profile box for all their friends to see.
Better still than this, though, people who are "Fans" of *your* Fans will also get your posts in their "River," so you get exponentially more reads of your posts for each Blog Friend you add!
In this short period of time, I've used Blog Friends, I've got 40 "Fans." *Quantity isn't the exciting part here. It's the quality that turns me on. Every "fan" is linked to me because of shared interests. I'm also a fan of their blog.
An effective way to get new "Blog Friends" is to link to the application from your blog, along with your own explanation of why your readers might enjoy Blog Friends.
Here's the link you need: http://apps.facebook.com/blogfriends ... I believe in collaboration EVEN AMONG competitors. My company Super Technologies, Inc.'s DIDXchange is an example that proves this part of our mission.
Influence? You can all have it. I don't want to keep it to myself. ;-)
... Some of the text above I quoted directly from a Blog Friends email update.
*Note: A person can be proud to have the most friends, fans, cars, houses, etc. etc.... no problem, but but but, what is quality of those relationships, those items? Quality is what matters more to me.
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