Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Software Engineer Apoorve Dubey on His Book Flight of Ambition

Let me invite you to connect with Apoorve Dubey on Facebook and continue sharing with the world his book 'The Flight of Ambition.' I first met him when I was testing Skype and different recording software like Pamela, PrettyMay and CallBurner. Enjoy his latest interview by FlipKart.

Q1. Ambidexterity is a garb of the gifted. You are a proficient software engineer and a renowned author too. How do you strike a balance?

I became a writer by chance and an engineer by choice. I work as a software engineer and write in my spare time. But I love both these roles. I want to live fully and enjoy everything that I do. Whether it is social activities, writing, engineering, or entrepreneurship, I want to make a difference. I believe you get only one shot at life. Why not make it the best?

Q2. ‘The Flight of Ambition’ has helped many professionals cope with the ups and downs on the professional front. Tell us more about the book, its aim, target audience and source of inspiration?

I am overwhelmed with the response so far. The book has been received well. Writing gives me joy. It is a powerful medium, which allows me to express myself. The book has started touching the lives of people in a positive way. I receive emails from CEOs to students, praising the book. The book is making a contribution in their lives and that delights me.

As I said earlier, I am writer by accident. I have often repeated this story about the source of inspiration behind ‘The Flight of Ambition’. But every time I narrate this story I feel inspired to do more.

The story goes back to my IIT days. It was one of those casual mornings when I woke up late as usual. During our hostel days, the alarm in my mobile woke up the neighbors in my wing but not me. I was a sleepaholic. I rebuked myself once again for waking up late. It was a practice I religiously followed. After that I rushed to cafeteria for having a brunch. It was there that I met my friend who took me to a house in Velachery near our campus.

The house had nearly 20 children between ages two and 14 years. While most of the kids were playing; some of them were studying and others were just curiously staring at us. The kids addressed the couple as 'amma and appa'. My friend revealed that apart from two of those kids, all others had been adopted. They lived like a happy family. Muthukumar and Kala loved each kid as their own. This visit left an indelible impression on my mind. The selfless living of Muthukumar and Kala inspired me to write, 'The Flight of Ambition.' I was determined to make a contribution in the lives of people around me. The returns from the book will serve as a means for achieving the same.

Q3. Most writers are avid readers too. Have you been inspired by any particular author?

I am not much into fiction, but my favorite author is R.K. Narayan. I adore his books. The settings and the ambience created by R.K. Narayan is immortal. The simplicity, effortlessness and charm in his writing instantly strike a rapport with the readers. The depiction of his characters is majestic. When you read his books you can visualize everything scene by scene and that is the power of writing. You meet each character as if he is speaking to you. After reading R.K. Narayan, I was encouraged to write fiction and I am working on a novel now.

I am also fond of the books by Swami Vivekananda. His writings penetrate your being and instill courage and fearlessness. His remarkable persona is immortal and acts as a beacon of light for all who aspire to live selflessly.

Q4. Are there book/books that you would like to read time and again, and why?

Books, there are so many of them that I would like to mention. I used to be a vociferous reader, but these days I don’t get much time to read. I like to spend my free time reading and writing. Here are the top three books that come to my mind.

Bhagvad Gita is the ultimate guide of wisdom. I love reading it time and again. Every time I read it, I feel nourished and rejuvenated. It is an infallible source of wisdom and energy. Amazingly the book was written zillions of years ago yet it conveys a message that is pertinent in our times.

I have lost count on the number of times I have read Swami and Friends by RK Narayan. This book captures the innocence of childhood and takes you in to a world of its own. The mischievous acts, the impeccable characters and the ambience of the fictional town of Malgudi are simply exhilarating. How can anyone not love this book?

Every second Counts by Lance Armstrong. Every time I read this, I get inspired to push myself. A must read for everyone.

Q5. Since your book speaks of self-help and motivation, I am tempted to ask, if you believe in destiny.

Yes, I do. When I was in school, I wanted to get in to the defense services. I was selected in the NDA entrance exam. I was determined to be an army man. However, the day I was supposed to attend the SSB interview, I met with an accident. The accident did not prevent me from attending the SSB interview. The SSB interview takes around five days. I was in pain but decided to fight it out. I cleared the screening test and inched one step closer to my ambition.

Two days after the accident, I was unable to walk. The pain had become unbearable. I did not know what to do. It was one of the turning points of my life. A voice came from within and told me, ‘this is not the right place for you.’ And I decided to quit.

After coming home, I went for a medical examination and the x-ray revealed three fractures on my right foot. When I reflect on the decision, I think it was correct one.

I believe in destiny and think that “It is the road you take that decides your destiny and not your destiny that decides the road you take.” Your destiny is created by your actions. What you think of yourself that is what you make yourself. You have the power to choose who you want to be.

Q6. Tell us more about your book and the genre that interests you the most?

More often than not we have the ability to achieve much greater things, but we get caught in the mediocre things in life and waste our potential. When there is nothing higher to be achieved all energies are simply scattered in the ordinary and mundane pursuits.

What if your life ended today? Would you be happy and satisfied with what you have achieved? Are you following your passion and the things you love? You must find what you love and gives you fulfillment. Don’t be afraid to make a new beginning. You must explore the possibilities. ‘The Flight of Ambition’ is a book of possibilities. The motto of the book is to inspire people and bring out the greatest, grandest and the best in them.

As far as my own reading is concerned, my interest keeps fluctuating between different genres. I usually prefer to read autobiographies, management and inspirational kind of books. I like autobiographies of great people. These books offer an insight into the lives of great people. It helps you know them better. It is a great learning experience. Sometimes, I read fiction as well. Who doesn’t like a good story?

Q7. What are your thoughts on Infibeam.com promoting your books (national & International)?

I am grateful to Infibeam.com for promoting my book. There is nothing more endearing for a new author than to see his books being promotedJ. I wish all the very best to Infibeam.com and hope they continue to promote young talent.

Q8. We know you are an ace motivational writer. Is there a special motivational quote that is close to your heart?

"If you don't have the courage to walk alone others will not have the courage to walk with you." -- Apoorve Dubey
Be fearless and live your dreams. No one else can do it for you, unless you march forward. Life is too short to hold back on what you love. If you do not follow your dreams, who will? Don’t compare yourself with anyone. You are unique and here to live a grand life. Courage is to back yourself against all odds even when no one else does. A tiny bird trusts it ability to fly and it flies for thousands of miles at a stretch crossing the biggest oceans and keeps moving with faith in its wings. The bird keeps saying to us,
"You mustn't be afraid to do what you are born to do."

Q9. Do you have any special message for your fans?

I would like to end by saying that Know yourself, you are unique, priceless and a gift to this world. “Your time is the most valuable asset you have; invest it where you get the best returns.” Do not confine your life to yourself. Make it big. “Your Life is a gift that is unveiled when you expand it by touching the lives of others.” Remember, anything is possible if you try. I am waiting to read your success story. Begin now.

You can hear Apoorve and me talk about his passion and work on audio podcast, too.

... Connect with me on Linkedin at http://www.linkedin.com/in/suzannebowen, Facebook, Youtube, TMC at http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/, iTunes channel or Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/suzannebowen, or at global events face to face to develop business and innovation.

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