Monday, October 18, 2010

Will publish this press release?

Beginning September 1, 2010, every press release I have applied to have accepted on were not accepted. I have suggested 7 press releases and thought they would be published because each one received a web response like in the picture you see on this blog post, but they were not. I have emailed people on the staff, tweeted about it, etc. No response. They are usually really awesome ...

(On October 25, 2010, Erik Linask of TMC discovered the problem and all is fixed. Our press releases are now accepted again!)

From Jan. 1, 2008 - August 31, 2010 we were able to publish about 33 press releases on TMCNET, one of our favorite websites. We often recommend companies to buy channels there, we congratulate those who do, and heavily promote the ITEXPO conferences because we like them and have gained many DIDX customers and Call Forward Management customers through them.

Here is a screenshot of the promise of the most recent one for ... "Mobile Monday and DIDX Team Up at Gitex 2010 in Dubai." It should be posted at Let's see. Just another Mobile Monday.

Well, it is October 19, 2010 Tuesday the next day ... and it still is not published. I'll check again tomorrow.

.. other blogs from our Super Technologies' team at and, our online magazine at, our iTunes channel, and DIDX podcasts. Find out how to bring new customers to your telephone company with local phone numbers from 70 countries. We are excited to be a part of helping 1000s around the world start a business, have success and connect with others via our Super Technologies' services such as DIDX, Techistan, Virtual Phoneline, CFMS or HVOIP white label business and more.

Thank You to the Young for Motivating Me to Do Better

My friend is a young, female, Pakistani budding entrepreneur, writer, and software developer who works with me. I am honored by such words. It does make me want to try harder to have integrity, compassion, creativity and other such "must-have" qualities that are necessary in the world you and I live in today.

.. other blogs from our Super Technologies' team at and, our online magazine at, our iTunes channel, and DIDX podcasts. Find out how to bring new customers to your telephone company with local phone numbers from 70 countries. We are excited to be a part of helping 1000s around the world start a business, have success and connect with others via our Super Technologies' services such as DIDX, Techistan, Virtual Phoneline, CFMS or HVOIP white label business and more.