Just a simple blog post from a simple woman ... whether we go through...
1. bankruptcy
2. losing a loved one
3. feeling jealous
4. going out of business
5. can't keep a promise we made
6. making difficult decisions... this or that
7. when we are caught doing something wrong
8. when we are criticized (this is the one I have to work on)
9. when things are not what we thought they are
10. when people make fun of us
11. when people ignore us
12. when people brush us off
13. when people judge us by something other than our actions such as appearance, religion, nationality, etc.
14. when we are denied something we really want
... the best way to prove our integrity is to keep our heads up and communicate and tell the truth. Hiding is cruel, bad business, and low. Don't run away. If you have to leave, at least make it as easy as possible for those you are leaving: wholesale customers, family, neighbors, country, retail clients...
I added this post just now as I think back over my own life and over our years in business as Super Technologies, Inc. I need to get back to work on some articles, conference items, networking with DIDX members, and smiling about Steve Cayona's new announcement of remission from lung cancer. Aloha, Steve!!!
... browse some of our team's other blogs at http://blogs.didx.net and http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/. You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.
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