Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Too Late to Click Undo, Mailing List Etiquette

Mailing list etiquette says when you wish to start a new topic on a mailing discussion list, feel free to click "Reply," check the "To" to make sure it is correct, get rid of the previous digest of unrelated messages, change the subject line as needed, and proceed. I send a big thank you to "Nice Guy on  Asterisk-Biz List" for reminding me. Slow down ...

On Tue, Mar. 30, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Suzanne Bowen wrote:
Nice Guy on Asterisk-Biz List, you are right. I changed the subject line but forgot to delete the digest below before clicking "send." I appreciate the reminder of good list etiquette. Wish I could do "undo."

Thank you,
Suzanne Bowen
VP Marketing, Super Technologies, Inc., DIDX.net

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Nice Guy on Asterisk-Biz List wrote:
Please don't reply to the digest if you want to post to the list.. It makes a larger than necessary posting in everyone's email box.
-Nice Guy on Asterisk-Biz List

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Suzanne Bowen wrote:
Quick note to Asterisk-Biz list ...
http://www.didx.net/ wholesale phone number marketplace where vendor rating is 0-8 with 8 as highest and 4 and above as good:

Vendor 700328 offers Auckland, New Zealand DID phone numbers .99 USD (99 cents) per month, zero NRC. Vendor rating is 5. 5,000 minutes and 1 channel is included.

Vendor 705156 offers MX City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara DID phone numbers $3 USD per month, $2 NRC. Vendor rating is 8. 10,000 minutes and 2 channels are included.

We are able to keep these good rates especially when the volume of sales is right, so we hope you'll take advantage.

Complete list of DID areas available are at http://www.didx.net/did showing the lowest rates available. Please keep in mind that most of the DIDs have more than one vendor and therefore, more than one NRC, MRC, features available such as caller id, sms, fax t38, and so on; number of minutes included, channels included, and chance to buy or not buy additional channels.

Also this is a blog post that is a combination of tips shared by successful DIDX buyers with me: http://blogs.didx.net/2009/11/model-of-didx-wholesale-sip-did.html. Wishing the best for your and your customers this year.

Thank you,
Suzanne Bowen
VP Marketing, Super Technologies, Inc., DIDX.net
Blogs: http://blogs.didx.net, http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/,
Media channels: http://www.tmcnet.com/channels/did-ddi/, http://www.didx.net/podcast, http://www.techistan.net
Meet us at partnered events: http://didx.net/events/
What's this thing called DIDX? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0PnkCMadO8

+ about four notebook worth of pages of a digest of emails for the day from the Asterisk-Biz List.

I will learn to slow down.

... browse some of our team's other blogs at http://blogs.didx.net/ and http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/. Find out how to get your telephone company to offer phone numbers from around the world. You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

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