Thursday, December 10, 2009

Want to Start Programming with Your Kids?

I queried a few people like DIDX members, friends from ITEXPO and PTC, and will be glad to add more answers as I get them but also, feel free to add your comments to this blog post.

From Stanislav Shalunov:
Try for preschoolers through elementary school. Teenagers should probably use normal programming environments with web output: Flash for games, Rails or PHP for web apps, etc. Hackety Hack is aimed at teenagers. Numerous beginner languages are around, Python is the best.

From Allan Alderman, the geekiest friend I have in Pensacola, FL... we cannot talk enough about the cool apps and products we try:
Not quite sure I was the guy that sent you that, but here is a site in that vein that I like
... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

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