Sunday, October 04, 2009

Relation among Carterfone Rules and Fax Machine and Internet Modem

What is the relationship of those three? Go to and post your answers. The first correct post received will get a free ticket for the

Asus - Eee PC Netbook with Intel® Celeron® Processor - Black
Model: EPC900HDB-BLK003X | SKU: 9447495
Intel® Celeron® processor 353; 1GB DDR2 memory; 8.9" widescreen; 160GB hard drive; built-in webcam; Windows XP Home with SP3

with an 8 GB flash drive!

We're holding the drawing in November 2009. Goal is to raise money for the Pensacola, Florida Linking Arms, Inc. nonprofit organization! Our company Super Technologies, Inc. is a sponsor and our owners are board members for the past few years because we believe in its work in helping kids and families with academic, fitness, career, and technology skills and goals. If you are the first one to get the answer right, we'll take your name and phone number or IM and email address to throw into the drawing. If you win the actual raffle, we'll ship the netbook and drive to you, inclusive.

If you want to participate and get raffle tickets, they are $1 each and we'll need your name, phone number, and shipping address in case you win. We'll also need your Paypal message, "I understand that the $1 is a donation(which will go to Linking Arms, Inc.) and provides me one opportunity to possibly win the netbook and flash drive."

We'll have to return your donation without that message.


... browse some of our team's other blogs at and You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.

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