Wholesale IP communications can now satisfy clients who need a local presence in Jordan, Iceland as well as Beijing, China; South Korea and Japan. Check the complete list of countries' DID available at http://www.didx.net/did and more indepth information on these particular new areas at http://blogs.didx.net/2009/06/new-phone-numbers-on-wholesale-didx-of.html.
Let me backtrack because some readers are asking:
1. What is a DID? It's an acronym meaning direct inward dialing. Today we use it synonymously with the phrase "phone number." Because of voice over Internet, SIP and open source telephony such as Asterisk and FreeSWITCH and more, telephone service providers are potentially able to provide anyone a phone number from any country in the world ... to have a local presence there.
2. Why would anyone want a phone number from Jordan or Iceland if they are not living and working in one of those countries? If you want to start receiving phone calls from people in a certain city or country, you want to make it easy for them to call you. They are more likely to call you if the phone number they dial is local to them. You buy a phone number that is local to them and set it to ring to your favorite instant messenger, a SIP or IAX2 address, landline or cell phone. Ask your telephone service provider if they are using DIDX.net? If they are, you have available to you ... phone numbers from more 60 countries. If they are not, send them to http://www.didx.net/signup.
... browse some of our team's other blogs at http://blogs.didx.net and http://blog.tmcnet.com/monetizing-ip-communications/. You're welcome to comment, contribute, and collaborate any time.
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