Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Bunch of Eeyores Watching Your Success

Yesterday, we had minis, maxis, word processors, car phones, Tandy 1000 HX, digital diaries, Gayfers, Trader John's, measles and SunRocket.

Today, we have slouchy layered shirts, baggy shorts, netbooks, smart phones, unified communications, voip* layered with everything you can imagine, eBay, Craigslist, virtual Facebook parties, swine flu and viruses infecting space station laptops.

While I planted my vegetable, herb, and flower garden under the rising sun around 6 AM, I kept think about how we tend to not appreciate what we have right this second.

Humanity, our industry (IP communications)... We keep ignoring today and waiting for something cool to happen tomorrow. We mope because we don't have a job. We complain because we have one. We talk about how we don't work for anyone, not even ourselves. We hate those "other people" who are not like us. We talk about how no one is innovating as if we are all clones of Eeyore himself. (There's plenty of innovation around VoIP. I hear about the innovation every day from DIDX members. VoIP itself is nothing. It's what we do with it.)

We read the rules in order to use a service on the web. We click to agree. When a rule has to be applied to us such as a penalty fee, commission, minimum... we scream on the bleeding edge of voip murder.

We reek with fumes of revenge against those who we blame for every failure in our lives. We talk about how like to clean, but we don't clean. We don't say thank you to those who are there for us, helping us. We won't even take turns taking out the trash. We don't pay our vendors. And we expect our clients to pay us?

We just complain and watch others ...
make up,
make decisions,
pay bills,
solve problems,
and succeed.

I'm no one special, but I love today.

1 comment:

Michael Bowen said...

...or fall short. Oh, well... guess I better get back to work...