Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thank you, Phil and Steve

I have a wish. Can I blog and run in my sleep since it's tough to make the time during awake hours to do either? I'm not complaining, just wishing.

I truly enjoy my company, our team, our customers, our services, our partners, and our suppliers. I spend about 12 hours per day M - F and a few hours on Sat and Sun working. I'm complaining and I know it. ;-) But I really love what we do.

I've got a new responsibility, to look out for a friend who is suffering with Benign Positional Vertigo. I embrace that totally. It's tough, tougher for him, than me, but we can kick this down. Especially after getting a call from Phil Giordano yesterday whose had a huge new challenge thrown at him in life, and after I listened to him, thought, what a wimp you are, Suzanne. Thank you, Phil and Steve. Thank you.

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