Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ed Rodriguez Shares VoIP Biz Excitement at ITEXPO East 2008

Darn! I never get tired of hearing business plans, especially when the speaker is on fire for his business and as everyone knows, voIP is my second baby.

Ed Rodriquez of (who I met on and I had a lengthy conversation about his own business plans. But, first I filmed his 2 minute elevator speech on video, viewable on Youtube.

We're excited to work with Ed for his international operations by making available to him an instant interconnect with 8000+ telephony companies with millions of DID available for sale from 60 countries. When I filmed him, we were at Internet Telephony Expo East 2008 in Miami Beach. A great conference and expo to participate in every way you possibly can.

I've being told that it is too dangerous to sit outside. There have been tornado warnings in Pensacola, Florida area for the past 5 hours, and I've been crazy enough to work/play on my laptop on my front porch just out of reach of the huge torrents of wind and rain. I am the luckiest person in the world. Life is good. See you, Ed and the rest of you awesome businesses we partner with and serve. We appreciate you.

One more thing, I will bug you and bug you about. Please take a chance and sign up your business for the 5000 list. It's a very short initial process. I helped someone complete it yesterday in less than 5 minutes. Go apply now at because you deserve the opportunity to get your company recognized for its value and potential, and let me know how it goes!

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