Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Interactivity, International Appeal, New News Make ITEXPO Rock

What really stood out to me about ITEXPO East 2008?

1. How they promote truly interactive communications and involve and reward their participants, exhibitors, and sponsors! Check out the testimonial area at http://www.tmcnet.com/voip/conference/west-08/w08-testimonials.htm

2. Our DIDXchange exhibit needed some super glue for a middle panel. Konstantin and I picked some up, returned to the exhibit and discovered that the expo team fixed it for us. A double big wow! Talk about a double whammy reason to exhibit there...

3. I was introduced to the extreme importance of rural local exchange carriers during the "The State of IPTV" presentation of Karen Campagna (of Cisco). Their customers embrace new technologies that others in larger urban areas scoff at. They not only embrace them, over 60% of them recommend others to use the services they are using such as IPTV. Check out the videos in the ITExpo East 2008 playlist on Youtube or type in Karen Campagna in the search area. I'll be uploading 2 other IPTV videos soon from other speakers during the IPTV panel session.

4. Michael Genaro, Maureen Gambino, Rich Tehrani and several others on the TMCnet "team" exhibit the kind of professional, warm, accessible aura that makes participants come back again and again and to recommend others to do the same. (There's no shameful feeling about being eager to develop business and no digitally smug attitude as is sometimes evident with other "IP leaders.")

5. The event drives international companies to participant, and DIDX as well as most other new Web 2.0 kind of technologies are looking for that!

6. I wish I had thought to say these things when I was asked what stood out to me in the video interview recorded of me on the last day, but I was coming down with the flu, and couldn't think logically.

7. I was amazed at the Mobilemax offering. Perry Navleka gave me the opportunity to interview him in the beautiful canvas of palms in front of his hotel in Miami Beach. Do a search on his name in Youtube to see why I'm recommending ILECS, CLECs and other providers looking for new ways to reach more customers, keep them, and be on the cutting edge.

8. Last, you'll be happy to know that when I was asked by Mark Hewitt and TMCnet on my video interview, who are our big customers? I answered correctly. We power 8000+ ILECs, CLECs, RLECs, Instant Messenger Providers, Social Community portals, large nonprofit organization, and government organizations in 90 countries with millions of DID they can buy and/or sell to each other. We do all the work in the middle. But I did not name any because we are the support structure. We do not want public credit. We want our customers to be the stars and always have.

Please keep checking on Youtube as I add several more videos there for this event and at for the ITEXPO East picture gallery where you'll see more ... http://picasaweb.google.com/supahvoip/ITEXPOEast2008MiamiBeachFlGoesInternational, but I forgot to bring my digital camera to the Lucky Strike DIDX party. We had only one picture from that from a www.Celtrek.com team member, but the quality just didn't make it.

But... we had some super guests hanging out together: GlobalPops, Digium, Rich Tehrani and others from TMCNET, Mark Hewitt and his colleague, Celtrek, Konstantin Galperin, RNK Communications, Fonality, and several more. A strike here and there had the whole bunch cheering like we were at the Super Bowl! We want to do this again next year at ITEXPO East if it's in Miami. Any co-sponsors out there? Email me at care@didx.net

The scent of this page over Internet would be Dreamsicle.

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