Tuesday, November 20, 2007

All VoIP Veterans, Geeks, Testers, Early Adopters Invited to VoipUsersConference

The more people that know about the VoipUsersConference, the more exciting and rewarding it becomes. This invitation goes to all VoIP veterans and geeks, new technologies looking for testers, early adopters and installers and more.

Digg users? You can Digg the conference here:


Check out http://voipUsersConference.org and/or the new Ning space which is a
little richer in resources: http://food4wine.ning.com

Learn how asterisk revolutionizes the telecommunications industry. Share your expertise. An email I just received stated, "Asterisk is unlimited in potential, or rather limited only by the imagination and resourcefulness of those of us that install, configure and program for it.

All participation in the conference including PSTN and SIP callers, anonymous stream listeners and the over 10,000 downloads to date generate a small income stream that is paid directly into the http://kiva.org loan fund. Each month, that fund participates in three or four loans to hard-working third world entrepreneurs. What better way to help the "other community", i.e., the world?"

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