Monday, May 21, 2007

Thoughts on 58 page IP Telephony in Pakistan by DIDX Suzanne

May 21, 2007

Dear Salman,

Thank you for sharing 58 page paper on IP telephony. It was a topic of conversation among Nadeem Khan, me and others last night in Washington DC. I enjoyed the comprehensiveness and welcomed the neutral voice behind your words...

Here are my thoughts in a nutshell.

With the blurring of media and voice services because of IP transportation, it might be better to give the whole picture a more encompassing name: IP communications instead of VoIP.

IP communications includes our 5 senses signt/video, sound/voice, touch, scent, taste... the last 3 are not as insane as they sound. IP Communications includes voice, video and data today as people understand it, and tomorrow it will include the last three.

The new next-gen IP communications solutions give presence. The user's communication mode can be changed anytime remotely and it follows you everywhere, less expensive and more feature rich than even cellular as we know it now.

Old revenues and business plans disappear replaced by innovative marketing, vertically, horizontally. (As Pakistan encourages entrepreneurship, the world will see the Skypes and DIDX's coming out of Pakistan instead of elsewhere.)

Clear boundaries are needed, but I hope the decisions by the leadership in Pakistan keep in mind that where the following are available: information, next gen network opportunities and less regulation rather than more...

that... entrepreneurial activity flourishes, the nation benefits as the middle class grows, more are happy with their standard of living and people in general are less likely to participate in public violence.
I.e., if significant conditions had been placed upon IP communications entrants worldwide over the past 10 years, there would be no Google, no Youtube, no eBay/Skype, no Vonage, no Super Phone... etc. some started in a college dorm or basement by Bright Entrepreneurs... wouldn't it be wonderful to see more of this type service and innovation coming from Pakistan?

Thank you,
Suzanne Bowen
CEO, Super Technologies, Inc. & DIDxchange
IP Comm Events:
Be in 5000! is a Google Enterprise Application!

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