Thursday, April 12, 2007

INDY or not, DIDX DIDXchange Keeps Minimum at 20

Shortened version of the announcement...
May 17, 2007 marks the anniversary of the the first World Telecommunication Day. The ITU Plenipotentiary Conference which met in Antalya (Turkey) in November 2006 decided to celebrate 17 May as World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

Many purport that it is all about connecting the young. INDY! (I'm not dead yet.) ;-) Chuckles. Joe McGarvey in his New Telephony column in the Feb 2007
Xchange states, "Telecommunications is for the young -- as any Power Point-wielding marketing type from a network equipment provider will tell you, incessantly. ... may turn out that service providers are snubbing their best revenue prospects by abandoning old fogies for the teens and "tweens" crowd."

As one of those INDY gals and CEO of Super Technologies, Inc., this is the way I am going to celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

We were going to move the minimum monthly quantity DID needed in every DIDX member's account from 20 to 50 on June 1, 2007. We'll put that off until January 1, 2008. I'd like to congratulate all the wholesale Internet Protocol companies from 200 nations who use our global DID exchange to buy and sell DID (phone numbers) for their ingenuity, MICEY techniques, and use of open source technologies to empower their clients everywhere. They range from age 18 - 81 (the CEO's) and offer triple play, wireless solutions, VoIP, text messaging, fax oIP, instant messenging packages, presence, you name it.

May your very cool entrepreneurial idea for communications over Internet be empowered to success because of the many tools available including the strength in numbers at

All wholesale IP communications companies, all communications entrepreneurs... come check it out. Sign up at, complete a short 6 step Interop at and have an instant interconnect with the 5500 other IP communications to start doing business! INDY or not, love ya!

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