Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DIDX Wholesale Global Phone Number Marketplace Beginnings

Nostalgia, trivia ... every invention, genre, person, organization and more has them. I just found a copy of the announcement of DIDX winning a place on the World Communications Changemaker List for 2006 along with unbelievable competition such as British Telecom and Belgacom SA.  I remember creating at least a dozen persuasive pages of writing for the application. We met Xconnect there who sat our table. They also made it to one of the World Communications Total Telecom Lists for 2006.

Visit ... Connect with me on Linkedin at, Facebook, Youtube, TMC at, iTunes channel or Twitter at, or at global events face to face to develop business and innovation.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Graceland Indie Film Goes to Fantasia Film Fest in Quebec

How did anyone who is successful ... get there? Many of them at one time were in tough life situations. I have had some tough times in my fifty-two year life, and I was so lucky to have some wonderful mentors and significant others to push me along and help me. Congratulations to the popular the award-winning Indie film Graceland - A Life for Every Lie. Not only did it win second place audience award narrative at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, but it also made it to the Quebec Fantasia Film Festival scheduled July 14 - August 7, 2012. I had this feeling it was going to do very well when I first read about it in 2011.

Related websites:
Graceland Facebook page -

Graceland main website -

Graceland audio podcast interview in 3 parts -

... More from me about really cool people, technology, ideas, products, organizations and services on my TMCnet blog at, iTunes channel or Twitter at, or at global events face to face to develop business and innovation.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My VoIP and Open Source Nostalgic Time Line

Following is a work in progress of my involvement in IP communications, open source and other technologies.

October 12 - 13, 2005: Set up the daily run with Asterisk developers and business people at Astricon 2005 conference in Anaheim, California.

... Connect with me on Linkedin at, Facebook, Youtube, TMC at, iTunes channel or Twitter at, or at global events face to face to develop business and innovation.