Do you ever get tired of "networking" and "developing business?" You'd like it to be acceptable to wear your pajamas or running shorts while doing so? is the place where you can develop business and social relationships that feels natural and fun. (The one thing that I believe Linkedin has over Facebook is that it may seem more acceptable format for those who want to separate their social life from their business life, and the ANSWERS feature is really cool. You can easily see anyone's questions to answer or to read, but on Facebook, they have to be in your network.)
Have you wondered what your friends are doing but don't really have the time to call them or email them? Add them to your Facebook network and when you login, you can see what they added as their most current status.
You like the idea of you seeing yourself in new ways, such as referring to yourself in the third person? Update your current status to see what I mean. ;-)
Want to just eavesdrop on strangers who can be the most creative and the most banal, depending upon your POV, in "groups" you choose to check out? And leave them when you're convinced, like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever that some of your new cohorts might not be going anywhere or...
like Eminem in 8 Mile when you know you only have one chance and why waste it on fluff, or then again, sometimes the most successful inventions result from what appear worthless to start.
Ok, I admit. I'm using Facebook to network but also to play Scrabble with my Dad (Ernest), my uncle Skip, my friend's daughter who's attending Florida State University, my colleagues, and anyone else who will play me. We take as long as a month to play and that is how we have time to do it. We live on 3 continents.
I use it to share songs in foreign languages with people on Facebook. I use it to watch dances, art and listen to music, show my mood, make phone calls, and look for opportunities to serve the global community of businesses with phone numbers on the wholesale phone number exchange And I have made better friends in my industry thru the social utility.
And finally, I've got some real warm bodies to run with at future everything over IP conferences and expos. Phew! No more excuses.
Events that I have added to Facebook and I'd love you to join:
16th Internet Telephony Conference and Expo West 2007
(where DIDXchange will exhibit at booth 356, come see us!!!)
Green Technology World 2007
Fall VON Oct 28-Nov 1, 2007 Conference
Groups I recommend:
Web 2.0 (Entrepreneurs)
Networking and VoIP
I want National wireless Internet.
From Japanese to Greek, from Urdu to Swahili...The languages group
(I am a language fanatic. I often find myself silently moving my lips to repeat words that people say who have an accent different from mine.)
Oh yes, and please help us brainstorm word associations at the Group: Word Association or X + or - Y = ÙÚ or wedge/vee or = Z. Hey, Ray Bradbury, one of my favorite authors, used to do it all the time.
See you on Facebook and at IT Conference and Expo West booth 356, Green Technology World, and Fall VON!
(My next post, probably in about a year as fast-paced as work is, will be about Scent over Internet). Boomshakalaka from Suzanne Bowen.
Noting associations between what appear to be two unlike items. I.E., what VoIP + X might =. I join Garrison Keillor with his quote, "Be well. Do good work and keep in touch."
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Facebook FREES Biz and Social Dev of Boredom
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
didx didxchange suzanne bowen voip internet telephony web 2.0 entrepreneur social networking utility community portal dashboard
Friday, July 27, 2007
Share your IP Communications Success Case Study for Award
Our company Super Technologies, Inc. make it a point to share with the world's IP communications companies the opportunities to showcase successes via invitations to attend events and apply for awards in the industry. Visit our DIDXchange booth 356 at the scheduled for Sept 10-12, 2007 in Los Angeles, California.
Meanwhile... does your company have a case study with hard data numbers, demonstrating how you have helped companies realize success? The following has a deadline of August 10, 2007, so don't wait!
From the Internet Telephony magazine of!
Dear Colleague,
The 2007 INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Award is accepting entries.
It's easy! Just follow this link and apply now.
Companies that have developed IP Communications products are eligible to enter. These awards are based on hard data numbers - demonstrating the improvements that the winner's product/services have made in a client's business. Awards will be presented to companies that provide case studies of IP Communications success experienced by one of their clients after implementing the nominated product/service over the past year.
Awards are an excellent way to differentiate your products and position your company as an industry leader. Winners of the INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Awards will be provided with marketing tools to promote the achievement allowing customers and prospects to know about the winning company's reputation of excellence.
Companies chosen for the INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Awards will be highlighted in the October issue of INTERNET TELEPHONY magazine.
Deadline is August 8, 2007.
Apply now to be considered for the 2007 INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Award:
Meanwhile... does your company have a case study with hard data numbers, demonstrating how you have helped companies realize success? The following has a deadline of August 10, 2007, so don't wait!
From the Internet Telephony magazine of!
Dear Colleague,
The 2007 INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Award is accepting entries.
It's easy! Just follow this link and apply now.
Companies that have developed IP Communications products are eligible to enter. These awards are based on hard data numbers - demonstrating the improvements that the winner's product/services have made in a client's business. Awards will be presented to companies that provide case studies of IP Communications success experienced by one of their clients after implementing the nominated product/service over the past year.
Awards are an excellent way to differentiate your products and position your company as an industry leader. Winners of the INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Awards will be provided with marketing tools to promote the achievement allowing customers and prospects to know about the winning company's reputation of excellence.
Companies chosen for the INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Awards will be highlighted in the October issue of INTERNET TELEPHONY magazine.
Deadline is August 8, 2007.
Apply now to be considered for the 2007 INTERNET TELEPHONY Excellence Award:
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
tmc ip communications voip internet telephony case study didx didxchange
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Every Industry Has One Thing in Common: the Teachers' Lounge
I read many forum and blog postings such as Asterisk-Biz list like many of you do. I note where there is a huge deficit of women and people from third world and developing nations, and often when they do "post," they are either ignored or emotionally whipped by responses. No problem, hang in there!
It reminds me of the Teachers' Lounge and a little tiny school in Century, Florida. I worked as a teacher of English, Gifted Studies, Internet Research, and Introduction to Foreign Languages from 1987 to 2002 at George Washington Carver Middle School. (I was moonlighting my work with Super Technologies from 1995 - 1999 unofficially and incorporated after that.)
Back to the Teacher's Lounge, I put to work the concept of peer teaching when I had to take on daily morning news closed caption, the school website, the yearbook, and the school newspaper. I didn't mind. It was fun to watch the kids who might not be able to speak or write even one grammatically correct sentence teach other kids how to set up a teleprompter. We couldn't get another teacher to oversee these projects. I didn't mind. I learned so much at the time of need, more than I would have with another degree to add to the 3 that I have.
Then, the principal said, "Suzanne, we need some money. Write some grants." So, I did. And I actually cared about it. I was shocked when I got around 3 million USD over a period of 8 years for projects that helped with such things as Internet Literacy, the 3 R's, Science in English, and so on. I always enjoyed mixing things up. Like, I remember practicing how to punctuate "but," "and," "or", and "for," with lessons in acids and how to make coca cola. It was a blast to teach the kids Jose Marti's "Entro La Nino, En La Bosque," "Juro Fidelidad," and "Atama Kata," during Intro. to Foreign Language classes. My son used to say I was too hyper as a teacher. I didn't understand what he meant. I LOVED what I was doing. What is wrong with that?
In 1995 I brought my Tandy 1000 HX into my classroom, plugged it into the phone jack and dialed up to use FIRN, who was offering free Internet access, free email accounts, and web page hosting to Florida teachers, or AOL when AOL 2.5 for Windows 3.1 was launched. As we worked in the classroom, any time a student or I had a question and no one knew the answer or wasn't sure if we had the right answer, we searched the Internet. We learned the difference between fact and opinion and broadened our background knowledge. Oh yes, I remember one of those teacher's lounge comments.
"Why would she have those kids using the Internet and learning Japanese? They need to be diagramming sentences and practicing for the California Achievement Test instead... And she hasn't even been to Japan... she doesn't have a computer science degree. She's teaching English. They should be following the textbook."
I stopped going to the Teachers' Lounge because it was a depressing place to be. Not everyone in the Teachers' Lounge is policing the school for innovation and non-conformity, but I found that many are. (Something like what I see on Internet forums and lists.) Anyways, instead, I got support from the parents and the students and the local businesses for special projects; the same as I find support for Internet projects from my colleagues, partners, customers and even family. The EXPERTS in the TL I was told were making me the star of their National Enquirer. They actually said that I wasn't very smart. (Thank you, Forrest and Mom. Stupid is as stupid does). That I was stupid for thinking that kids in Century, Florida needed the Internet, penpals, foreign languages and knowledge of the beach, the zoo, and the local newspaper...
I hear it all the time still in the NEXT GENERATIONAL IP communications industry. What you do is nothing? It is not newsworthy. Be more technical in your descriptions. (As if VoIP is some secret club of only those who toss 1's and 0's back and forth to each other.) Oh yes, and you are a commercial. Tell me... how do we separate a commercial from a testimonial or a HOW TO video? Bring on the VoIP and anything over IP commercials.
Every industry has the EXPERTS attempting to keep you in check. I say ignore the dissing on the Asterisk-Biz list and other forums, etc. Many readers of this blog and I have actually helped many members of these lists, utilities, and communities, who have an often "laughed at or ignored" new idea, get started in the VOIP business. Now, promote it. Tell about it. Show how to do it. Let your customers tell why they chose you and how to use your service and what it does for them. If that is a commercial, bravo!
Wow, you mean someone is actually offering a voice over Internet service that people know how to use, want to use and is commercially viable? Heresy.
We read the forums, lists, and blogs. We don't believe every Tom, Dick and Harry's comments on them, and you don't have to believe mine on this one. Naysayers and the digitally smug and the cheaters... voipo, voiponit, voipoutofhere, voipihateeveryonewhoisnotlikeme, voipihateanyonewhobelievesinwhattheysell, and you know what I mean. Hang in there. No one KNOWS IT ALL. And guess what else? You may let someone into your front door or back door and they may steal your code or your idea, but they will never do it as well as you do if you can help it. Remember that. Care about your customer more than they do.
If you have something that people need, talk about it, and do not worry about what people say. The world needs to KNOW what you have to offer. Don't let the Teacher's Lounge rule you. If we can help you whether the company you buy voIP from or resell voIP from goes out of business and other matters (Super Technologies, Inc. and DIDXchange), contact us.
See you on Facebook and Linkedin and at the events, Internet Telephony Expo and Conference West 2007 in Los Angeles mid-September and Fall VON in late October in Boston.
It reminds me of the Teachers' Lounge and a little tiny school in Century, Florida. I worked as a teacher of English, Gifted Studies, Internet Research, and Introduction to Foreign Languages from 1987 to 2002 at George Washington Carver Middle School. (I was moonlighting my work with Super Technologies from 1995 - 1999 unofficially and incorporated after that.)
Back to the Teacher's Lounge, I put to work the concept of peer teaching when I had to take on daily morning news closed caption, the school website, the yearbook, and the school newspaper. I didn't mind. It was fun to watch the kids who might not be able to speak or write even one grammatically correct sentence teach other kids how to set up a teleprompter. We couldn't get another teacher to oversee these projects. I didn't mind. I learned so much at the time of need, more than I would have with another degree to add to the 3 that I have.
Then, the principal said, "Suzanne, we need some money. Write some grants." So, I did. And I actually cared about it. I was shocked when I got around 3 million USD over a period of 8 years for projects that helped with such things as Internet Literacy, the 3 R's, Science in English, and so on. I always enjoyed mixing things up. Like, I remember practicing how to punctuate "but," "and," "or", and "for," with lessons in acids and how to make coca cola. It was a blast to teach the kids Jose Marti's "Entro La Nino, En La Bosque," "Juro Fidelidad," and "Atama Kata," during Intro. to Foreign Language classes. My son used to say I was too hyper as a teacher. I didn't understand what he meant. I LOVED what I was doing. What is wrong with that?
In 1995 I brought my Tandy 1000 HX into my classroom, plugged it into the phone jack and dialed up to use FIRN, who was offering free Internet access, free email accounts, and web page hosting to Florida teachers, or AOL when AOL 2.5 for Windows 3.1 was launched. As we worked in the classroom, any time a student or I had a question and no one knew the answer or wasn't sure if we had the right answer, we searched the Internet. We learned the difference between fact and opinion and broadened our background knowledge. Oh yes, I remember one of those teacher's lounge comments.
"Why would she have those kids using the Internet and learning Japanese? They need to be diagramming sentences and practicing for the California Achievement Test instead... And she hasn't even been to Japan... she doesn't have a computer science degree. She's teaching English. They should be following the textbook."
I stopped going to the Teachers' Lounge because it was a depressing place to be. Not everyone in the Teachers' Lounge is policing the school for innovation and non-conformity, but I found that many are. (Something like what I see on Internet forums and lists.) Anyways, instead, I got support from the parents and the students and the local businesses for special projects; the same as I find support for Internet projects from my colleagues, partners, customers and even family. The EXPERTS in the TL I was told were making me the star of their National Enquirer. They actually said that I wasn't very smart. (Thank you, Forrest and Mom. Stupid is as stupid does). That I was stupid for thinking that kids in Century, Florida needed the Internet, penpals, foreign languages and knowledge of the beach, the zoo, and the local newspaper...
I hear it all the time still in the NEXT GENERATIONAL IP communications industry. What you do is nothing? It is not newsworthy. Be more technical in your descriptions. (As if VoIP is some secret club of only those who toss 1's and 0's back and forth to each other.) Oh yes, and you are a commercial. Tell me... how do we separate a commercial from a testimonial or a HOW TO video? Bring on the VoIP and anything over IP commercials.
Every industry has the EXPERTS attempting to keep you in check. I say ignore the dissing on the Asterisk-Biz list and other forums, etc. Many readers of this blog and I have actually helped many members of these lists, utilities, and communities, who have an often "laughed at or ignored" new idea, get started in the VOIP business. Now, promote it. Tell about it. Show how to do it. Let your customers tell why they chose you and how to use your service and what it does for them. If that is a commercial, bravo!
Wow, you mean someone is actually offering a voice over Internet service that people know how to use, want to use and is commercially viable? Heresy.
We read the forums, lists, and blogs. We don't believe every Tom, Dick and Harry's comments on them, and you don't have to believe mine on this one. Naysayers and the digitally smug and the cheaters... voipo, voiponit, voipoutofhere, voipihateeveryonewhoisnotlikeme, voipihateanyonewhobelievesinwhattheysell, and you know what I mean. Hang in there. No one KNOWS IT ALL. And guess what else? You may let someone into your front door or back door and they may steal your code or your idea, but they will never do it as well as you do if you can help it. Remember that. Care about your customer more than they do.
If you have something that people need, talk about it, and do not worry about what people say. The world needs to KNOW what you have to offer. Don't let the Teacher's Lounge rule you. If we can help you whether the company you buy voIP from or resell voIP from goes out of business and other matters (Super Technologies, Inc. and DIDXchange), contact us.
See you on Facebook and Linkedin and at the events, Internet Telephony Expo and Conference West 2007 in Los Angeles mid-September and Fall VON in late October in Boston.
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
didxchange didx internet telephony voip von tmc entrepreneur teachers lounge
Monday, July 23, 2007
Digital Desiderata from DIDX DIDXchange Suzanne
Bug fixes, patches, suggestions, and ideas for additional anything over Internet protocol "desiderata" list are welcome. Just click to comment! ;-)
1. Complete one action each day that helps to stop the digital divide. Start by defining your industry's acronyms to newbies.
2. The Internet shall provide the opportunity for meaningful exchange among all, excluding harmful exploitation such as human trafficking.
3. Laughter, curiosity, and the refusal to let the fact that others will ignore even your brightest ideas to bring you down... will help you to go further than the digitally smug.
4. Help your Internet neighbors, especially those who are your competitors. A rising tide floats all boats.
5. Your great knowledge of new and complicated technologies shall not be your license to express derision toward those without it.
6. Thou shalt not force a beta test on your paying customers.
7. Support the discussion of entrepreneurial mash-ups on and offline without ridicule. Question and test them, sure, but ditch the ridicule.
8. Bring those guilty of buying Internet services with stolen credit cards together with their victims, so they might experience the enlightenment of forgiveness.
9. Protect the Internet's gullible. Do not blog deceitfully.
10. Have the integrity to refrain from charging back payments you yourself made with your own credit card for Internet services.
1. Complete one action each day that helps to stop the digital divide. Start by defining your industry's acronyms to newbies.
2. The Internet shall provide the opportunity for meaningful exchange among all, excluding harmful exploitation such as human trafficking.
3. Laughter, curiosity, and the refusal to let the fact that others will ignore even your brightest ideas to bring you down... will help you to go further than the digitally smug.
4. Help your Internet neighbors, especially those who are your competitors. A rising tide floats all boats.
5. Your great knowledge of new and complicated technologies shall not be your license to express derision toward those without it.
6. Thou shalt not force a beta test on your paying customers.
7. Support the discussion of entrepreneurial mash-ups on and offline without ridicule. Question and test them, sure, but ditch the ridicule.
8. Bring those guilty of buying Internet services with stolen credit cards together with their victims, so they might experience the enlightenment of forgiveness.
9. Protect the Internet's gullible. Do not blog deceitfully.
10. Have the integrity to refrain from charging back payments you yourself made with your own credit card for Internet services.
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
didx didxchange digital divide entrepreneurial mash-up mashup voip open source technology beta test
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
DIDX, DIDXchange Booth 356, Internet Telephony Conference and Expo West Sept 10-12, 2007

"Come stand under our umbrella at and visit us at Internet Telephony Conference and Expo West 2007 in Los Angeles, California. From Sept 10-11, 2007, come see us at the DIDXchange booth 356. DIDX and its 6200+ Internet protocol-based communications companies know business is much easier, more lucrative and more fun when even competitors collaborate," says Suzanne Bowen, CEO, Super Technologies, Inc., creators of
Complete one simple 6 step interop to get an instant interconnect with the 6200 member DIDXchange and have access to buy from millions of DID (direct inward dialing phone numbers). Use the free API to buy and/or sell DID. Carriers with DID to sell can lose a common headache but listing the DID for sale on DIDX to premium worldwide telephony companies.
Signup at to meet those you can provide service to such as enterprise, SMB, and residential consumers as well as to find out the RIGHT parties to collaborate with like DIDXchange and also to start partnerships with businesses who can offer your wholesale company empowering products and tools.
Internet Telephony Expo West 2007 has special conference tracks pertinent to:
Rural Telcos, MSOs
All IP communications and information companies are invited to sign up to participate in today. Visit us at our booth at Internet Telephony Expo West 2007 Sept 10-11, 2007 at booth 356. DIDX and the IT Expo West rock! Be a part of the most brilliant, revenue-building solutions to communications today.
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
didx didxchange voip internet telephony super technologies suzanne bowen telecommunications rich tehrani tmc stand under my umbrella
Monday, July 16, 2007
Balancing Internet Telephony Acronyms in a Technical Manual - Recovery from the Weekend
For some reason I overdo my fun on the weekends just as I am somewhat a workaholic who tries to see how much I can multi-task without my PC freezing up, Monday through Friday.
How should we recover from Karaoke, Snickers chocolate cake and bowling with Michael, Petra, Christian, Stacie and Rock on a Saturday night? And from running 8 miles the next morning on an empty stomach at Pensacola Beach, Florida (well, a few sips of strong coffee with French vanilla foo foo cream)?
Ah, by writing a technical manual, and that is what I did, write the hosted voIP manual while viewing engineering disasters on the History channel. I could feel my heart rate slowing to a comfortable pace as I typed an endless array of Internet telephony acronyms and buzz words. I occasionally answered requests for confirmation, questions from my network, and browsed a few new applications all on Oh, and then, I called a DIDX member in Australia via his NYC DID using Gizmo Project and chatted about getting new country codes DID added to DIDX this week. Emailed Truphone re: discussion of a certain kind of phone number. Thanked a VoIP hero (with my Jaxtr line) who is a great blogger for talking about DIDXchange, the panacea of DID woes! I was just about to login to my newest Internet Telephony online course. I'm one of those silly life-long learners.
My husband brings me a glass of cold soy milk and says, "It's 9:30 PM Sunday night. Why don't you relax and stop working?"
How should we recover from Karaoke, Snickers chocolate cake and bowling with Michael, Petra, Christian, Stacie and Rock on a Saturday night? And from running 8 miles the next morning on an empty stomach at Pensacola Beach, Florida (well, a few sips of strong coffee with French vanilla foo foo cream)?
Ah, by writing a technical manual, and that is what I did, write the hosted voIP manual while viewing engineering disasters on the History channel. I could feel my heart rate slowing to a comfortable pace as I typed an endless array of Internet telephony acronyms and buzz words. I occasionally answered requests for confirmation, questions from my network, and browsed a few new applications all on Oh, and then, I called a DIDX member in Australia via his NYC DID using Gizmo Project and chatted about getting new country codes DID added to DIDX this week. Emailed Truphone re: discussion of a certain kind of phone number. Thanked a VoIP hero (with my Jaxtr line) who is a great blogger for talking about DIDXchange, the panacea of DID woes! I was just about to login to my newest Internet Telephony online course. I'm one of those silly life-long learners.
My husband brings me a glass of cold soy milk and says, "It's 9:30 PM Sunday night. Why don't you relax and stop working?"
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
didx didxchange technical writing internet telephony facebook gizmo project truphone jaxtr
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
IPsmarx Technology Opens New York Office on 48 Wall St. and Offers Promotion for DIDXchange Clients
IPsmarx Technology Opens New York Office on 48 Wall St. and Offers Promotion for DIDXchange Clients
To celebrate the opening of IPsmarx Technology's 4th location, on 48 Wall St. in New York, IPsmarx is offering a special discount for DIDXchange clients, valid until July 20 th. For more information contact or call 703-847-6999 and mention that you are a DIDXchange client. recommends IPsmarx Technology solutions for reliability, cost-effectiveness, and next-gen technologies. IPsmarx has been a leader in the VoIP industry for 6 years, providing solutions such as Softswitch, Callback, Hosted IP-PBX, Video Over IP, Calling Card, PC2Phone, and Calling Card. IPsmarx clients also take advantage of the wholesale phone number services provided by Super Technologies, Inc.'s DIDXchange at
To celebrate the opening of IPsmarx Technology's 4th location, on 48 Wall St. in New York, IPsmarx is offering a special discount for DIDXchange clients, valid until July 20 th. For more information contact or call 703-847-6999 and mention that you are a DIDXchange client. recommends IPsmarx Technology solutions for reliability, cost-effectiveness, and next-gen technologies. IPsmarx has been a leader in the VoIP industry for 6 years, providing solutions such as Softswitch, Callback, Hosted IP-PBX, Video Over IP, Calling Card, PC2Phone, and Calling Card. IPsmarx clients also take advantage of the wholesale phone number services provided by Super Technologies, Inc.'s DIDXchange at
Labels: voip, phone numbers, didx, didxchange
ipsmarx softswitch didx didxchange ip-pbx video over IP calling card pc2phone callback super technologies voip open source phone number telephony
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